Frenzied Wombat
Potato del Grande
I believe you because typically a man being right has little to do with a woman's ability and/or desire to have an argument. In fact, in my experience it is when you ARE right that the claws come out and the crazy explodes, because "crazy" counters logic/righteousness by deflecting the source of the grievance into a "what the fuck are you talking about-- that has nothing to do with X?!" scenario. If she's taken a passive stance in regards to arguments since the start, consider yourself a lucky man.I think you may be correct. However, this goes waaaay back to even when we were first dating and engaged. She never argues back, ever. And I can guarantee you 100% I was not right every time we got into an argument, as much as I would have liked to believe I was at the time.
I wish I had some better advice for you. Her "issue" concerns a matter entirely out of your control, which is probably the source of her current moral conflict. I don't mean to pry, but how much of her angst do you think is sexually related?