Is there a support group anywhere. Cause this is my life.
Anyway as long as there an equilibrium between the two ( that doesn't mean fair) in regards to work/household stuff. Then screw her attitude if things around the house get done and the bills get paid. Nobody else dictates your happiness except yourself. Even when you are married. Your wife needs to be happy with you for who you are. You need to be happy with who she is. Nagging or changing behavior is pointless and just causes distress.
I, personally, wouldn't drink a "case" of beer every weekend. Nothing around the house would be done. I play video games after the kids get to bed. I am not burning up the everquest when 2 small children are attempting to murder my wife. I work longer hours than my wife, but I still take care of everything I think I can do and still be in equilibrium with what my wife does around the house..which right now is the kids. I still do diapers, cooking, clothes, housework, outside work, etc ...if they need doing. I could give a shit as long as it all gets done. I am not buying a case of shit beer, melding my ass into a chair, and watching the game getting fatter everyday. That's not a great way to keep a house going.