Do you know why she had one? Unlike tongue and navel piercings which are somewhat of a fashion statement, nobody knows you have a clit piercing unless you do porn or you're getting fucked. Outside of sex, I don't see it having any purpose.I briefly dated a girl in college (no sex) who had a clit piercing and she was pretty reserved. Only reason I knew is me, her and her friend were at the bar (or ihop? can't recall) and they were talking about how they both had one.
So you're saying that even if they have an open agreement that both are equally interested in, it is "wrong"? I don't see who is being wronged in this case. Sure, it's adultery by definition but usually adultery is considered bad because one of the married parties didn't agree to it. I don't get what the responsibility of having a dick is? If the responsibility is to have sex only with consenting people who are single or in a relationship where all parties are aware, then there is no exception that has to be made. It's clearly black and white because there's no wrong being done if the premises are true.Sure, the home is probably already wrecked. I agree with that. But that ain't on a man until he has her suck her juice off his cock. Once she's done that, he is no longer blameless.
I know most of yall think I'm a prude about it, but to me there is a clear line. If you fuck a married woman you are an adulterer. That's definitional. Remember that scene out of the Sopranos? They don't burn the cards! Look. It either means somethin, or it doesn't.
There's just a responsibility that comes with having a dick is all. And if someone wants to say that it doesn't mean anything that's fine with me. That's a perfectly valid position. The trouble is in saying it does but then making exceptions. Most things in life are shades of grey, and isn't it wonderful that every now and then something isn't?
Believe it or not, people do plenty of body modifications that you'll never see and they aren't about sex. I'd bet the majority of girls who have their pussy pierced are, as Frenzied said, pretty care free...but nothing is a guarantee.
"If a woman has a tongue piercing, she'll probably suck your dick. If a man has a tongue piercing, he'll probably suck your dick." ~Chris Rock.Also, if she has a tongue piercing, she'll probably suck your dick.
I will contribute to this charity if it helps.Pull a reverse and force her to look at nudes of us. Start with Shelly and report back.