Exactly. "Kids to consider" would be number one reason forleavinga shit marriage, not staying in one.Staying in an awful marriage "for the kids" is the worst reason (and possibly the most destructive) a person can choose.
As a child of parents who stayed married for 24 years "for the kids", it's an absolute copout. Usually, as an excuse for laziness and complacency. It had severe effects on us as kids, growing up with parents who obviously shouldn't have been together. One of my sisters is an extreme drug addict who has 2 children, her first at 17, and 5 abortions. Another sister got married at 17, has 2 kids, one at 18 and one at 19. Her husband is a "former" addict and they are in extreme financial debt, constantly borrowing money from family members and consistently "robbing Peter to pay Paul".People also have kids to consider.
Unless you're both really, REALLY good at faking it."For the kids" is a fucking horrible reason to stay unhappy and does far more damage to your kids than splitting up.
My brother and I were pretty much grown once my parents marriage really hit rock bottom. I was finishing high school. My brother was older and married at that point. I don't really remember anything too bad prior. This would have been 15 years ago.Staying in an awful marriage "for the kids" is the worst reason (and possibly the most destructive) a person can choose.
This is such a BS thing, really. I guess its a thing to say these days and is totally not based around reality. Reality is that children from divorced families have higher rates of emotional problems, early sexual experimenting, dropping out of school, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and drug use. Later in life they experience greater chance of depression, and relationship problems. There has been several long term studies revolving around this.Staying in an awful marriage "for the kids" is the worst reason (and possibly the most destructive) a person can choose.
If your parents suck you've got an uphill battle whether they are married or divorced.This is such a BS thing, really. I guess its a thing to say these days and is totally not based around reality. Reality is that children from divorced families have higher rates of emotional problems, early sexual experimenting, dropping out of school, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and drug use. Later in life they experience greater chance of depression, and relationship problems. There has been several long term studies revolving around this.
Couple this with the wives getting custody of the kids some 90% of the time, resulting in worse conditions for the kids after divorce for most kids where the father was the main breadwinner in the family. Add a boyfriend into the mix, the studies show greater chance for abuse by the boyfriend.
Remarriage was no solution; children in stepfamilies were two to three times more likely than their counterparts to suffer emotional and behavioral problems and twice as likely to have learning problems.
Word to your mother(and father).If your parents suck you've got an uphill battle whether they are married or divorced.
You act like those are the only 2 options. Those aren't even the 2 most likely options in my limited experience. Divorced parents will hate each other and eventually one will think the other is trying to turn the children against them and start trying to do the same.I'm not a child that is a product of a divorced house but I'd have to assume that the kid would prefer to have two separate but happy parents than two together but hate each other parents
That's the whole thing, I don't want them growing up thinking this shit is normal. I don't want to be insensitive to whatever it is that is wrong with her, and I want to help, but god damn dude sometimes it feels like that's all I do is deal with her shit, talk about her problems, tiptoe around her anxieties.It's like you're describing my marriage.
A little over a year ago my wife "couldn't get out of bed" for a week and lost her job. Her job was just too negative and hard on her mentally and emotionally until it put her in bed for a week. I get she processes things differently than most people but here's the skinny of it...if she isn't working, we can't pay for stuff (eventually) She lost her job (of course, because this wasn't the first time she had done it) and I ended up having to pull for my 401K to pay our mortgage. So now anytime she is "sick" I have to worry about if she'll pull the same thing again because depressed or not, I can't live a live where the other person will allow themselves to screw over their family.
Mine refuses to go talk to anyone either because all they do is "talk about things I should do, like I'm living my life the wrong way" .....well....yeah, that's sorta the point.
Our son we have together, we do the majority of things by ourselves. I can't tell you the last family holiday she attended with us....and it's HER family. She just lays in the room all the time watching Netflix or whatever else. Like I said before, If I'm going to live like a single father, I'll do it in an environment where I'm not walking on egg shells 24/7. Heck, just the other day she pulled up the "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" theme song on her phone and I chuckled, she then got super man and said if I was going to judge her she'd just go in the bedroom, and stormed off and I didn't see her the rest of the night. At that point, I'm almost glad tit happens because I'd rather have that then a possible fight happen for the next 4 hours as she looks for things to be mad about.
This isn't to say she doesn't do some family things, she does...but it's not nearly enough. It's awesome when she's in the bedroom for 3 days and will come out and see me on the computer or my phone and try to complain that that's all I do, Nevermind the fact I just made her dinner and cleaned up the place for the evening. I just laugh at her anymore, audibly.
We're in the same boat bro, you need to realize it and start working on finding your life preserver like I am because no happiness will exist in the one we're in now. Fleeting moments don't count, we both know that. I bet you were like me and when she has 3 good days or so you are like "Well things are getting better..." and allow it to erase weeks worth of it, or whatever really messed up thing she had just done not to long ago...and then the process starts all over again. It's the only roller coaster in the world that's not fun, stop riding it, for your sake, and your daughters. You don't want them growing up thinking that's normal living.
No way bro, they've got feels data.This is such a BS thing, really. I guess its a thing to say these days and is totally not based around reality. Reality is that children from divorced families have higher rates of emotional problems, early sexual experimenting, dropping out of school, delinquency, teen pregnancy, and drug use. Later in life they experience greater chance of depression, and relationship problems. There has been several long term studies revolving around this.
Couple this with the wives getting custody of the kids some 90% of the time, resulting in worse conditions for the kids after divorce for most kids where the father was the main breadwinner in the family. Add a boyfriend into the mix, the studies show greater chance for abuse by the boyfriend.
Remarriage was no solution; children in stepfamilies were two to three times more likely than their counterparts to suffer emotional and behavioral problems and twice as likely to have learning problems.
Then divorce really is your only option isn't it?That's the whole thing, I don't want them growing up thinking this shit is normal.
They're both bottoms. They ass to ass with a double sider.Chaos and Tarrant could divorce their wives and move in together. Pretend to be a gay couple and you could keep the kids probably. If anyone tries to take them, just scream discrimination. You'd get a ton of support and a healthy kickstarter fund.
The rest of us can debate on who we think is the top and who is the bottom.