This is a great post actually. +1You have to work at that shit. Once you get married, most people get complacent. They think, all right now Im married, job is done. She/he will love me forever because we are now married, in a contract for life. Then the kids come, the monotony of day to day life... Pretty soon youre living not like a married couple but a couple of room mates. I went through this shit. I took all that crap for granted. My gaming addictions, porn, fuck it was easier to rub one out than go through trying to get some from the wifey. Shit I remember in the first couple of years of marriage and my EQ addiction back in 2000, the wife would come into the gaming room naked, dancing for me and shit, and I blew her off. Thinking back how fucking silly that shit was. I was not a husband, but another child for her to take care of. I was definitely not meeting her physical and emotional needs. I fucking put on 50lbs, ate like shit, looked like shit, and then when I wanted some she blew me off which built animosity between us both. We basically had sex like twice a month.
I dint know at the time, nor did I fucking care what she did. I came home, made dinner, played with the kids for a while, took care of shit, and once they were in bed, off to the gaming room I went. And then she started chatting up some dude on the phone. This was about 2006ish. We had a huge ass blowout at that time, and she trickled truth me about this dude she was chatting up. Thank god he lived in another state because I know she would of fucked him if he was local. I was done at that point. Fuck was I angry. I wanted nothing to do with her at this point and contemplating divorce. But at that time, I did a lot of soul searching, looking deep inside. And I realized, finally what a jack ass I was. I think she realized I was done too, so she did a bit of changing as well.
I lost weight, started to go out with buds, quit the gaming, quit the porn, all that shit. Started to lift weights, and things slowly started to turn around. It was a slow process but now we are closer than ever. We actually spend time together, every night. We have sex at least 4 times a week, hot passionate sex that resembles sex we had when we were dating, but even rougher because I know now what she likes.
The point is that this shit takes work. Yeah, blah blah, you heard it before, but you can get stuck in a rut of every day bullshit and start taking each other for granted.
What kind of car? Let's see a pic!I've seen what my wife says about me to her friends. Some of it's true, much of it is stuff she makes up in her head.
Last night she tried talking to me, just about totally non related stuff and I found myself wanting to reply, but just something in me wouldn't do it other than a few two word responses. She later came out of the bedroom and sat on the couch and asked if I could hear the neighbors being loud again but I couldn't so I said no. She said a couple more things like she was trying...but again, that part of me is broken at the moment and just didn't have it in me to engage her.
Tonight has been much of the same, less talking but being very civil with the boy around, which is all I can hope for.
I got my car today, my payment is a bit high due to not having much to put down on it, but I'll figure it out. It's one major piece of stress that's now off the pile so it was worth it.
/infractionStill might end up the way your last car did, but I hope things work out for you! I think in a world where you weren't a forum moderator, we could have been great pals.
No doubt, no doubt.Yeah don't get me wrong, I fuck up a lot, I have serious problems communicating or sharing/expressing emotions. Which makes me get even more butthurt when I actually do and then just get blown off. I post about my wife here, but if she were posting she would probably be talking about what an asshole I am and how I don't understand how difficult it is for her and should support her more or whatever, I don't know. There are no good guys, it isn't a movie, just some shit that happened.
Hopefully not much worse than a wife if sheunderstandsthe situation and has been through it before and loves you anyway because you make her toes curl.No doubt, no doubt.
Coming to understand her better should also help you. God -- it's something about being a man. We get in those two word moods with women even when we're not fighting with them or have a grudge to bear. I've caught myself doing it to GIRLFRIENDS before. And it's a real effort of will to explain "Brightness, it's not you. I'm moody. And this is how some men get moody. I am sorry. Keep talking. I am listening." And I'm sure I sound like a surly child. But sometimes that's the best you can do.
How much worse with a wife.
Its funny you posted something like this now. Actually just last week I realized I wasn't doing the best I could as a husband to my wife. We have never been overly affectionate people but I just realized it has probably been years since I told her that I loved her. So I started now that everynight I say goodnight to her and tell her I love her. She seems to be responding well to it. I realized that our "together" time is usually watching TV. Normally she is watching something and I'm just dicking around on the tablet. I've started to try and actually engage in what she is watching. I've started doing just minor things like if I get home from work early on Friday instead of launching myself upstairs to play the computer I'll clean the house and do all the chores. I'll take care of dinner. I'll just buy flowers. Just minor things that are very low-effort but mean a ton to your wife.You have to work at that shit. Once you get married, most people get complacent. They think, all right now Im married, job is done. She/he will love me forever because we are now married, in a contract for life. Then the kids come, the monotony of day to day life... Pretty soon youre living not like a married couple but a couple of room mates. I went through this shit. I took all that crap for granted. My gaming addictions, porn, fuck it was easier to rub one out than go through trying to get some from the wifey. Shit I remember in the first couple of years of marriage and my EQ addiction back in 2000, the wife would come into the gaming room naked, dancing for me and shit, and I blew her off. Thinking back how fucking silly that shit was. I was not a husband, but another child for her to take care of. I was definitely not meeting her physical and emotional needs. I fucking put on 50lbs, ate like shit, looked like shit, and then when I wanted some she blew me off which built animosity between us both. We basically had sex like twice a month.
I dint know at the time, nor did I fucking care what she did. I came home, made dinner, played with the kids for a while, took care of shit, and once they were in bed, off to the gaming room I went. And then she started chatting up some dude on the phone. This was about 2006ish. We had a huge ass blowout at that time, and she trickled truth me about this dude she was chatting up. Thank god he lived in another state because I know she would of fucked him if he was local. I was done at that point. Fuck was I angry. I wanted nothing to do with her at this point and contemplating divorce. But at that time, I did a lot of soul searching, looking deep inside. And I realized, finally what a jack ass I was. I think she realized I was done too, so she did a bit of changing as well.
I lost weight, started to go out with buds, quit the gaming, quit the porn, all that shit. Started to lift weights, and things slowly started to turn around. It was a slow process but now we are closer than ever. We actually spend time together, every night. We have sex at least 4 times a week, hot passionate sex that resembles sex we had when we were dating, but even rougher because I know now what she likes.
The point is that this shit takes work. Yeah, blah blah, you heard it before, but you can get stuck in a rut of every day bullshit and start taking each other for granted.
Neither one of us put much emphasis on words. You can say anything you want but actually doing things is different. We're both action-oriented people. I told her I loved her through my actions and I'm just trying to change it up so I do it via my actions and my words now.Man, I don't know how you go years without telling your wife you love her.
Traitor! Men may be "emotionally constipated" but women are emotionally overloaded. From my point of view emotions are a fact of life, but generally interfere with rational thought and proper decision making skills. This is why so many women appear "crazy". I don't see how you can state that we're the problem because we don't embrace irrational and emotional thought processes. While I may be entirely in agreement with you concerning the claim that we sometimes bring out the "crazy" in women by being emotionally ignorant or insensitive, in my opinion negligence or insensitivity doesn't deserve shrieking/crying/crazy in response-- it's a disproportionate and counter productive retaliation.The bottom line about woman is despite their craziness, we men in fact are the bigger issue. Many of us are emotionally constipated, unable to admit we are wrong and tend to get pissed off at the smallest stupidest shit and carry that through the day like its the end of the fucking world. Not to say that woman aren't crazy or that they don't deserve some shit but honestly, from my cheap seats and based on my friends and what goes on, we are the bigger problem.