Tarrant just be aware that crazy people can hoover you back in with behavior when they want to just as effectively as they can push you away. She obviously got a whiff of what was going on by some method. So she's going to do something dramatic to make a change, and for a while, it'll be better. But you can't know what will happen long term, and by the time she's done hoovering you back in, you won't have the willpower and anger to do what you need to do. Just a thought.Yeah, just because she's getting help doesn't mean it will actually help. I'm still playing the "cover my ass" game and still prepping, that way should i see anything worth staying for in the next few weeks, splitting will be a quick and easy thing. I was caught with my pants down this time around, it wont happen again.
I'm still moving forward with everything, I am however being very observant of things as I'm doing so.
Take it from me; run. Don't look back. I pussy footed around with my divorce for 2 years. I also thought about it everyday for 10. Don't stay together for the kids. Don't believe a fucking thing she says. Just GTFO. The second you have it in your head that you're done; you're already there.She didn't get a whiff of anything. One time we hardly talked for close to a month after an argument we had. There was nothing different happening this time around. I think she is just realizes what's going on slowly but surly (with herself).
Like I said, this doesn't stop anything I'm doing, I am however being more observant to what's happening with her and will reassess later if things should deviate. She called me early this morning (I pick her up tonight) telling me she has a lot of work to do. Time will tell, hopefully she's better able to deal with it all regardless of what happens between her and I.
A handful of them. Forgive me for overstepping. I'm sure your covert plan is going swimmingly. Coward.I've been divorced before, I'm not afraid of it and I don't need to "take my advice and get out posts" because I'm already taking steps towards that goal. I never said I'd stay for the kids, I've said the exact opposite. Have you read any of the previous posts at all?
dafuq?A handful of them. Forgive me for overstepping. I'm sure your covert plan is going swimmingly. Coward.