Traitor! Men may be "emotionally constipated" but women are emotionally overloaded. From my point of view emotions are a fact of life, but generally interfere with rational thought and proper decision making skills. This is why so many women appear "crazy". I don't see how you can state that we're the problem because we don't embrace irrational and emotional thought processes. While I may be entirely in agreement with you concerning the claim that we sometimes bring out the "crazy" in women by being emotionally ignorant or insensitive, in my opinion negligence or insensitivity doesn't deserve shrieking/crying/crazy in response-- it's a disproportionate and counter productive retaliation.
Hah. Woman aren't irrational at least not anymore than men. We are the bigger problem many times because we think we are fucking heroes and pat ourselves on the back for doing things that we are supposed to be doing anyways when we agreed to enter a relationship.
Just like men, there are several kinds of woman:
1. Woman you avoid
2. Woman you are friends with
3. Woman you fuck and nothing more
4. Woman you marry
Same with guys. If you pick the wrong one to live with then its on you. Having a dick doesn't prevent crazy. You've been around here long enough to know that.
Just like with anyone, man or woman, you live with someone for 10 years they are going to grate on you. Communication is the only way that things like that can work. Communication is something guys tend to suck at. If you can't talk or if you think the 2 word answers you give are adequate then don't be surprised when it ends spectacularly when the straw breaks the camels back.
You can't treat your wife like a bro that you spend a few hours a week with at the bar drinking and watching the game. You know as well as I do if you live with that bro for 10 years you probably wouldn't be bros anymore either.
A lot of guys have more and better communication on this forum than they do with their spouse. Years of neglect affect her, years of you being a cold wasted husk of the person she started dating, you remember right? back when you cared about her, take its toll.
Token effort of things you should of been doing all these years (say that I love you example) might be a nice start but its hardly going to turn the ship around on its own. By all means people improve your relationships but just don't break your hand patting yourself on the back for finally doing something that you should of been doing all this time. Let it encourage you to keep stoking that fire like you did when you were dating and actually gave a fuck.