God damn. This thread stagnates for a weeks at a time sometimes, and then blows through 20 pages in a handful of days other times. Finally got all caught up. When I first saw Tarrant's posts, and the page count, I went "Ohh shit, something crazy must have gone down....". Then I start reading, tension builds, cars are taken, D&D stuff brutalized, ohh God I hope this doesn't turn fucking awful soon..............
Then lawn games. Post after post.
I am simultaneously relived at no disaster and disappointed by the build up with no resolution.
I'm solidly in the "If you aren't happy, and don't really think you are ever going to be happy, just get a divorce." camp. I'm about a billion times happier, you could be too. You wouldn't believe how often something happens that makes me go "Holy shit, why was I putting up with that?" or "Wow, I remember living like that." so, so many things. I look at my life now and just feel such a huge sense of relief and excitement.
Seriously, life is too short, and there is so much terrible shit you have to deal with anyway, do whatever you can to grab whatever happiness and joy you can.
Update on me, things still going great. My Ex wife is now totally social and kind to my girlfriend, to the point that when she comes over, she talks to her like she runs the place instead of me, haha. My Ex stopped by the other day and asked my girlfriend about swapping days with the kids because she had a thing she wanted to do. Anyway, yeah, its all copacetic. As you guys know, I did shave my head, I also took out all my piercings a couple weeks ago. The bad news is that I've put back on close to 20 pounds this year, so I need to start working on that again.
We are actually leaving tomorrow morning to go to Disneyland for a few days with the kids, should be a blast, a hugely expensive blast, but still. This Sunday will be our 6 months together, which is crazy, because I feel like its been way longer.
I know Tarrant and Chaos are torn, but guys, it can be so much better.
Also, I'm totally into butt stuff now, didn't know what I was missing. Consider me repentant.