heh, that's a whole situation to deal with down the road. My bro didn't get a prenup when he got married, either. Thing is, as far as I understand it, neither of us would have too much to worry about in terms of the company in a divorce. It's pre-existing property, the only thing she'd be eligible for is any increase in value of the company after the marriage. The company isn't growing significantly value wise, it just throws off cash.I imagine the company is allowed to declare him incompetent and murder him if he doesn't sign a prenup.
Sounds like a terrible case of first world problems.34 vs 27. The friend who got married is my age. As far as the "our" place thing, yes, I lived there 8 years before she moved in about two years ago. A few times I got in trouble when I referred to it as my place, but I've gotten better at saying "our". One thing I did to make her feel like it's her place as well as mine was get a really nice, custom millwork desk and book shelf built along a wall that wasn't being used. That way she has her own place to study, work, and keep her books instead of using my computer desk or the kitchen table or whatever (it's an open floor plan loft, so there's no office or den or anything like that).
I said maybe we weren't compatible! Honestly we get along together great, and I think in that respect we are compatible. Mainly I was meaning that we don't really share a lot of hobbies/interests. She basically has none because her entire adult life she's been going to school and working her ass off to support herself, since her parents are both kind of fuckups and couldn't offer much in that regard. I play/watch hockey, like to go skiing in the winter, and game a little bit when I can. But we both like dining out, she likes cooking and I like eating her cooking, we both want to do more traveling (but can't because of her school schedule), we both like hiking/camping in the summer (but again, the school schedule). She's taken a couple ski lessons and has had fun learning, so we intend on getting out for that a few days, but again school gets in the way. So we've got some common interests. But no, we aren't the kind of couple who will do absolutely everything together, but I don't think that means we're fundamentally doomed. That's how most couples operate, from what I see.
Don't explain it, make signing it required for ring time.heh, that's a whole situation to deal with down the road. My bro didn't get a prenup when he got married, either. Thing is, as far as I understand it, neither of us would have too much to worry about in terms of the company in a divorce. It's pre-existing property, the only thing she'd be eligible for is any increase in value of the company after the marriage. The company isn't growing significantly value wise, it just throws off cash.
If we do get that far down the road, I'm not sure how she'd react. The problem with prenups is that there's so much misinformation out there about them. They're automatically viewed as an antagonistic thing, when in reality your prenup can simply say "here's what each person came in to the marriage with assets wise. Everything accumulated after this point must be split 50/50." But god, try to explain that to a woman.
Asshole. Posts pictures of his knob, won't post pictures of hot wife.My wife got dolled up for that wedding we went to and looked 11/10, almost posted pics here but for some reason snapped back to reality
Have I claimed otherwise?Sounds like a terrible case of first world problems.
Amazon.com: Secret Wishes Star Wars Princess Leia Slave Costume: Adult Sized Costumes: Clothing
I bought this for my wife and she wore it for me last night. Talk about a clean nut.
His profile says he was on today. Hopefully after a morning threesome with his wife and classmate. With pics to share.Has wormie even been posting since then in any threads? haven't seen him around.
He might be dead guys.
Uhh...wtf is wrong with you? You stopped working to make your girlfriend feel better about her own inadequacies?I'm in a similar situation with my GF, she's much younger than me so just by virtue of that there's a huge accomplishment/income gap and I face similar situations, she's upset cause we're not equals, she's upset cause I encourage her to do more and take more risks...etc etc
My solution: Stop working, I haven't been really working for last 2 months(just living off savings and being really picky about job offers), and that seemed to make her immediately feel better, and she misses no opportunity to mention that she's currently the breadwinner.
She's straight up ego tripping but I just laugh and let her have it, but in all seriousness, this seemed to make her feel way better...lol.