Musty Nester
No one does. Except maybe Wolfen. It's just that at this point, J has made his choices with open eyes and it's not like any of us can go over there and slap some sense into him. It's not like we would even if we could. So, as we are both powerless and unwilling to affect a true change in his behavior-- we might as well revel in the strangenesses of his debauchery.Who the fuck brofists JFortyDipshit? I'm hoping if someone does, it's tongue-in-cheek.
One real difference is that when J is going through the late stages of syphilis, he's quite unlikely to blame anyone but himself. There isn't much to respect about J's self-inflicted situation... but there is that much. It's a fucked up choice but it is his to make. I guess you could say that same for wormie... but wormie is just self-destructing. Suicide by fresh pussy.