So, if you forget to lock your door, you should have no complaints if you get burglarized, right? If you have a cleaning person over and they take a necklace or a $20 on the desk, maybe you shouldn't have left them out, right? Don't even file a police report or say anything because you were asking for it. Yeah, it wasn't smart of her to keep them around but it's still not the same as asking them to be taken.
I don't think it's "pretty obvious." Maybe she didn't care but it's not like she ever offered to let a_skeleton_03 view them in any other manner. Maybe the woman didn't think herbest friend's husbandwould be enough of an ass to look through her stuff for pictures to jerk off to. I mean, maybe for the dudebros the obvious first thought at getting access to someone's computer would be to find pictures to steal, but that's probably not everyone's first thought. She just wanted her computer to work again (indicating she's probably somewhat computer illiterate to begin with).