But a clean bridge, at least.Guess I could just divorce her and live under a bridge somewhere.
But a clean bridge, at least.Guess I could just divorce her and live under a bridge somewhere.
http://www.neuticles.comI just assumed she ment her vagina, I am unaware of a second set of balls in the home.
The best answer is 'sometimes'.Don't babies sleep a lot? An average house could be pretty well maintained through the week with about 30-45 minutes effort per day.
Isn't your baby like < 1 year old? They don't mess up shit at that age.The best answer is 'sometimes'.
We're battling teething and sleep regression right now
No but my 31 year old wife doesIsn't your baby like < 1 year old? They don't mess up shit at that age.
Make her face the wall for 30 minutes when you get home if the house is messy.No but my 31 year old wife does
Seeing as her behavior is seriously immature and selfish, treating her like a kid seems like an actual option. Noodle, you have to lay the law in this situation. Fuck man...Make her face the wall for 30 minutes when you get home if the house is messy.
Yes, being a stay at home parent is so much harder than being a working parent. Boo fucking hoo. Does your wife just ignore the kids and tell you to fuck off when she gets home? Because if not she's got a 16+ hour a day job too my man.I have been a full time stay at home parent since August of this year for an almost 3 year old (Dec 22) and a 9 month old. I can honestly say that it is exhausting trying to keep the house clean during the day. I think with 2 children its misleading to compare it to a full time job, unless you guys all work 14+ hours a day with little to no breaks during that time. My typical day starts at 0530 when the first one gets up and my wife is back home around 1730 each day, then we sit down for dinner and try to have them in bed by 1930. Afterwards I clean up from dinner and take the dog out for a walk. Sometimes they nap at the same time and I get an hour or so uninterrupted but for the most part my days are now +16 plus hours a day without a break.
Sure I could throw them in front of the TV for hours at a time and accomplish more stuff around the house but I don't. My son gets one show a day and that is normally while I am making breakfast. I try to keep the house clean by keeping them busy with activities but they really do like to make a mess. The truth is I can accomplish about 5X as much after they have gone to bed then in a hour then all day if I have them both in the house.
My wife's grandmother and I were talking a few weeks ago she was a stay at home parent and she told me her biggest regret was how much she stressed having a clean house. She put that above quality time with her children and thought she probably missed out on a lot memories. They are only small for a really short period of time but you have your entire life to keep your house clean.
I don't advocate living in filth but I do think that when they are really small the exceptions for organization and cleanliness may have to shift a little. Plus honestly all it takes is one diaper blow up to change how an entire day is going.
That being said 1 child is like being on a vacation compared to 2. Props out there to all the parents who have even more.
Babies (infants) do sleep a lot, but generally you are holding them 90% of the time they are awake and a majority of their naps also involve you holding them or having them sleep on you in some fashion. By the time you are able to set them down on their own for longer periods of time and they take naps in significant chunks of time, they are mobile. That brings a whole new level of exhaustion as you end up chasing them everywhere. Also babies bring about a bunch of new chores as well as the normal stuff.Don't babies sleep a lot? An average house could be pretty well maintained through the week with about 30-45 minutes effort per day.
We will drag you back if we have to tie you up and beat you with wet noodles.I'm retired from that. That was way too stressful to do every week
Why are you chasing kids around when 36 sq ft child jails exist?Babies (infants) do sleep a lot, but generally you are holding them 90% of the time they are awake and a majority of their naps also involve you holding them or having them sleep on you in some fashion. By the time you are able to set them down on their own for longer periods of time and they take naps in significant chunks of time, they are mobile. That brings a whole new level of exhaustion as you end up chasing them everywhere. Also babies bring about a bunch of new chores as well as the normal stuff.
While this is harsh, coat hanger dick, there is truth here. Kids are hard. Working is hard. Working all day and coming home to shit is stupid. If you're a stay at home parent, take care of the fucking house. That's how it works. I'm writing this with my wife sitting beside me giving me her blessing. Five kids, and we don't live in slop. About 5 years ago I started working less, so I took on what were appropriate responsibilities in the home. We share things now, as neither of us work full time. But when I was working hard-core, and she was staying home with the kids, the house got cleaned by her. It was part of her job at the time. I happily helped when it was possible, and I cook whenever I can because I love it, but if I came home to a slovenly mess every day because she just couldn't cope, there would have been massive issues.Yes, being a stay at home parent is so much harder than being a working parent. Boo fucking hoo. Does your wife just ignore the kids and tell you to fuck off when she gets home? Because if not she's got a 16+ hour a day job too my man.
You can't handle a kid having a nuclear diaper, it's too much? I guess you stay at home because you couldn't hack it in the professional world?