Well bros, it has come to pass. Or, I guess it's in the process of coming to pass. The girlfriend is going to be moving out over the next few weeks, once she figures out where she's going. At least that's where we left things this morning. She's heading up North to see her family for Christmas in a couple days and she's going to think about things on the drive etc., but it seems that things are coming to a close in our relationship. She's not sure if she just needs a break or if it's done, but it feels to me like it's done. There wasn't any one thing that lead to it, she'd just been drifting away over the past 6 months or so, and as I mentioned in my massive post back in September or October, it was pretty noticeable. It had started to feel like she was just kind of tolerating me, most days.
She says she still loves me and all that, but that she's not sure where her life is going and where she's going to end up, and that we're in very different places in our lives and come from very different backgrounds etc. Some of that's true, she's 28 and I'm 35, but I think it's also her trying to justify it or talking herself out of the relationship. I didn't try talking her out of it or anything, at this point I'm fairly sick of being in a relationship where it feels like a one way street, so while I'm sad and disappointed that it's coming to a close, in a lot of ways I'm also just looking forward to moving on. When we were talking she said that we both had to decide what was up, but I said no, it's primarily up to her as I was more than happy to continue on and build a life with her, but only if she was going to be happy with that, and that it was obvious to both of us that she wasn't. So who knows, maybe we take a break and get back together, but I sincerely doubt it.
The money/finances thing came up again, of course. Whether that's a symptom or the disease in things coming apart is hard to say. Probably a bit of both. She has really kind of fucked up views about money. Most of my family has done pretty well for themselves, including aunts/uncles/cousins etc, but it's not like we're old money or something. My one grampa was a farmer who moved to the city in the early 50's with a couple young kids when he was in his mid 20's after a couple years of crop failures and handing the farm over to the bank. The other grampa was basically a Polish refugee who had nowhere to go after fighting with the British in WW2, and ended up rural Alberta with basically nothing. When she was talking about how our families are different, she started to talk about how her family was more "collectivist" and a few years ago even when her brother was struggling he had helped her out a bit, at which point I cut her off and was like "so you're saying that because my family has some money that we're greedy and I'd let my brother or sister starve in the ditch if something happened to them?" She of course said no, that's not what she meant. I asked her what exactly she was getting at in contrasting our families then, and she said she wasn't sure what she meant. Despite being fixated on the supposed differences between our families, she couldn't really articulate what she even meant or why it was such an issue for her. As far as I'm concerned, she has some deep seeded issues with money/wealth for whatever reason, and she just can't get over it.
So, I dunno, probably not worth droning on too long about. It's going to be an adjustment for sure, after spending all of my 20's and early 30's single and without a roommate, we'd settled in to a nice routine after 3 years together and 2 years living together. A big part of me is actually looking forward to being single again and not having to answer to anyone, eating what I want when I want, getting as drunk or stoned as I want, and so on. But the other part wonders if I'm just fooling myself with that, and what exactly I'm going to do with myself. The good news is I've got a nice, busy winter booked up with ski trips already and I've got lots of friends who are single, or if not single, don't have kids, so I shouldn't have a hard time keeping myself busy and not just sitting around moping.
The feels bros. The feels.