Its hilarious my wife's mom doesn't work. My wife's now youngest sibling is 16 years old. She still constantly talks about how much shit she has to do. What she "has to do" pretty much consists of sleeping in the afternoon and watching Animal Planet. You'd think her house would be spotless since she now doesn't have a job and also doesn't really have to take care of a kid (though she over babies this kid -- I fear for him growing up) but nope its still kind of messy when we go over. Its hilarious. Unfortuantely my wife also inherited the "omg I'm so busy I can't clean" gene so I've just decided to make peace with that and be the one in charge of keeping messes under control.I thought having my wife be a stay at home mom would net me a clean house, dinner when I got home, and dick suckings at the ready.
None of that is happening and it's irritating me. I don't get home until 7-7:30 and the house is usually a disaster and I need to cook and suck my own dick at the same time.
I think I married a lemon
LOL I kept reading. Noodle we're married to the same person. When I ask her to clean up her shit I get tons of passive aggressive shit. The only difference is she talks shit to our dog and not our kid since we don't have one. Like I said anymore I just do it myself. But it helps I really only work 9-4. But honestly constantly thinking about a mess is more stressful to me than spending the 10-30m it takes to just clean it up.