They pretty much just put the shit wherever and you may or may not ever find it again. Be sure to get maids who don't speak english, that way you can't ask them where it is and you'll learn to put your own shit away.Do maids actually pick up all the clutter and shit? How would they know where to put it?
But that would mean the principal is more important than a clean house, and that's not what he's telling us, is it?I don't think Noodle wants to bandaid the problem, he wants to fix his wife's attitude. Which is admirable but might be impossible.
Noodle, start with a 1 time maid and see if the 2 of you can keep the shit clean after that. If not, do the best you can and bring the maids back once a month. Unless you really don't care about the clean house and you just want to pick a fight.