Its another symptom of the larger problem, which boils down to the fact that you thought you weren't marrying her mother but really you are. Its about control and you basically lost it to Princess Noodle, who still rations the BJs, does not work, and now has you cleaning your house after work. The next step will be when she decides to never return to work and just shit out Noodle Spawn and packing on the pounds, completing the transformation into her mother. Harsh, but you need to decide if you are willing to settle for this shit or not and damn quick. You married a princess and cranked out a fuck trophy, so you kind of hosed yourself here, but life is short and if you can't accept this you are young enough to move on. You have to decide if you are going to settle for this, because you sure as shit are not going to change it, which is what we were all warning you about. The mess shit is just the latest symptom of the issue.