But I think I'd rather be single than married to someone I only spent time with to screw or do family shit. I see a lot of couples like that since moving to California, though, and they rarely last.
Phazael you have always been a narrow minded mongoloid but now you went and done it good.
You have babbled on for an entire day that the rest of us have shit relationships because we don't have a specific hobby in common. A hobby that it looks like is your only hobby. You are completely one dimensional with your gaming only personality and so is your wife. You can only do things with her that are gaming, or eating. That. Is. It.
Take the rest of us. Most of us (probably all) game a decent amount. We still carry on meaningful relationships because we have more than one thing in common with our wives. We have depth. We don't need to be smothered by her 24/7 with only approved hobbies that both of us love.
Here are just a few things my wife and I do for hobbies that overlap and dovetail together but don't require us both to be completely invested in.
She likes to run.I will walk with her sometimes.
She watches medical dramas.I sit in the room doing my thing while she watches.
She likes to deep clean the car.I fly my drone around outside while she does it.
She likes to travel and see a thousand things in a day.I go with and then pick a nice place to eat because that's what I care about more.
She sits in the room and brings colorful commentary.I like sci-fi and fantasy TV/Movies.
She organizes things in labelled boxes.I hand her stuff while making fun of her.
She tolerates the mess in the kitchen and cleans up after me.I make elaborate, kitchen destroying meals.
She likes trivia night at the pub.I like trivia night at the pub.
She thinks Ryan Reynolds is dreamy.I think Ryan Reynolds is dreamy.
Those are just off the top of my head while I am sitting here at work. It sounds very boring. To some people that isn't enough. To a lot of us though that's true love. Just being comfortable with someone and not needing a ton of work. We ARE best friends and were from high school. We can 100% hate something the other person is interested in and it won't affect our relationship one bit.
If Ryan Reynolds dies we will find a way to move on. If she wants to do a marathon I will survive it.
However, if you or your wife get bored of gaming your relationship is over and dead because that is all you two have, and eating.
Don't be so narrow sighted and one dimensional. The rest of the world isn't.