My wife does not have hobbies in the broad sense of the word. The times when not working are spent watching shitty reality TV and playing some shitty wheel of fortune or scrabble game on her phone. I have tons of hobbies that regularly I shift my attention to. Anything from my photography, gaming, woodworking, down to building and collecting ecig atomizers and mods.
She is messy, does not clean up after her self, and when she does the ADD kicks in and she cant do a good job of it and does it 1/2 ass. She hates the TV that I like, which is sci fi shit, history channel crap, fantasy type shit, and she has no imagination. She thinks Im a big nerd and laughs at me all the time.
But she is pretty smart, we can have good deep conversations about crap, she shares the same viewpoints about many things with me, like politics, spiritual, even some conspiracy type shit that we both laugh about. She deeply loves and cares for our kids, she respects me and what I do and the decisions I make. She accepts and loves me for who I am. I can tell her everything and she can tell me everything, in this way we are closer than any of my friends. We lean on each other when we are down and boost the other when they are down. We can both sit down, share some beers and just talk about shit for hours. She can be a strong woman when need be and totally submissive to me when I need her to be. Plus the sex is great after 15 yrs. In fact its only getting better in some ways now that we both know what the other likes and dislikes.
That to me is what makes the relationship great. Its not what you do with each other from day to day, fuck, I could not stand a woman that wants to do everything with me at all times, including my hobbies. Im sort of a loner and have been all my life and I definitely need my alone space where I can do the shit I do. And she knows this and respects it.