My wife doesn't think this is a good idea. I rather like it, though.Translation: Every $10k more he makes than her should equate to an extra blowjob-on-demand per week.
My wife doesn't think this is a good idea. I rather like it, though.Translation: Every $10k more he makes than her should equate to an extra blowjob-on-demand per week.
No dude you got it all wrongTranslation: Every $10k more he makes than her should equate to an extra blowjob-on-demand per week.
That's a bargain, really.Translation: Every $10k more he makes than her should equate to an extra blowjob-on-demand per week.
J49 can afford a year's worth of blowjobs for under $10kThat's a bargain, really.
Is Japanese ok?Hah yes, it always goes down the same way. Make initial sacrifice doing the shit she wants to, being dragged out with her friends, etc. Then as time goes on you're willing to do that shit less and less, she starts getting insecure and crazy thinking you don't "care" anymore, tolerance for The Crazy reaches an equilibrium point where the pussy just isn't worth it, and it then ends. Rinse and repeat.
Women ultimately expect you to show the same level of enthusiasm you first demonstrated at the start of the relationship, and imho that isn't realistic. They seem to thrive and *need* that "intoxicating" level of love, while guys are ok (and in my case prefer) the predictable routine that develops over time. This is why 75% of divorces are initiated by women-- "He just isn't the man I first met" being the #1 reason.
Find me a hot chick that's a homebody and likes playing video games and action flicks and I'll give you a $10K referral fee if it works out. I live in Dallas, so good luck with that.
Yeah, love me some Asian as long as they have tits.Is Japanese ok?
I think his point was, look at Japanese girls. A lot of first-generation Asians are homebodies and finding a Japanese one into video games will not be too difficult. Might not be MMO's and shit, but hey.Yeah, love me some Asian as long as they have tits.
Ahh so Japanese is not ok, got it.Yeah, love me some Asian as long as they havetits.
It's the fast food of sex!Whats you guys fascination with blowjobs? I certainly don't mind it but I prefer the vagina in almost all ways. I'll take a minute or 2 of blowing then move for the pussy.
Worst description I've ever heard.It's the fast food of sex!
And I thought I was the only one. I feel bored and useless while getting a BJ, and imho nothing beats the custom fitting a pussy provides. Not to mention you get to control the rhythm. I mean, I won't turn one down but I stop them after 5 minutes or so to fuck them instead.Whats you guys fascination with blowjobs? I certainly don't mind it but I prefer the vagina in almost all ways. I'll take a minute or 2 of blowing then move for the pussy.
Japanese girl +6K + surgeon= problem solved. Check out the Asian girl threadAhh so Japanese is not ok, got it.