I was going to respond to the borderline redpill stuff but decided against it. Just know if it goes too far someone will step in, you all know who that someone is.
I don't really understand how my post is remotely "redpill".
A relationship needs to be reciprocal, period. If you aren't getting anything out of it that you couldn't do on your own/wouldn't
wantto do on your own, what's the fucking point? If a wife/partner puts in her 8 hours, comes home, and shares the home duties, I see absolutely no problem with making her feel "special" every now and then. And the same goes for her. If your man is busting his ass at work for 8+ hours, comes home, helps with the kids, mows the lawn, whatthefuckever, treat him like The King every once in a while.
What I take issue with are lazy housewives who have punched their early retirement ticket and want "housewife" to be their "full-time" job. And you know what? More power to you if that's the choice you and your partner arrived at. However, the kids should be cared for, fed, clothed, washed, house well kept, etc. That's the JOB you decided you wanted to be hired for, so do it and do it well. I don't know about your line of work, but in mine, if you slack off or otherwise do a shitty job, you get fired. The boss doesn't take you out for a spa day because you got so flustered by all that was on your plate for the week that you only managed to do half of your workload. Good work should be rewarded and shown appreciation for, absolutely. Laundry piles, shit scattered to the winds, messy diapers, etc.? Go fuck yourself.