So I had the talk last night, aired the issues very bluntly and fully expected to be walking out shortly thereafter. Instead, she acknowledged the problems and offered thoughtful, level-headed ideas about how we ended up there and what might resolve the issues. She also admitted she got ahead of herself in the dating process (this is true) and apologized. She asked if we could take some time to see if things can be worked out. Whether or not we end up together long term, I do sincerely care about her. So I agreed.
I haven't been forthcoming with my concerns many times, probably because my ex-wife had a hair trigger from 0 to raging psychopath when we discussed things; think borderline abusive. Because of this, I let the "too much time together" thing fester and affect our personal connection... a lot. My realizations here, not hers.
I figure I'm playing with house money at this point. Either we CAN resolve the issues and our relationship benefits greatly, or I can walk away knowing I gave my best effort to make it work with someone I care about.
InB4 Haast pussied out LIKE A BOSS.