Lot of pretty good changes, though will have to see some of the actual numbers on item changes(artifacts/medals/relics/etc) to see if it will really shake up what are considered the 'best' handful that almost everyone uses. Also a bit meh on the 25% Core change, just making it a flat 3000 feels weak, and seems to just punish people who bothered to build some health instead of more offensive stats. Hopefully the new LoH affix for them will make up for it, depending on the internal cooldown.
Pyms Shrink nerf also makes me a bit sad, probably still have to use it on my Nightcrawler, but it's now ever worse in group situations when I wouldn't get many dodge procs to begin with.
His comments about future stuff definitely nice, looks like end of May into June will be loaded, AA, Raid, and One-Shot zone. Also nice they can automate the Odin Bounty system, good being able to farm different stuff through the day with bonuses.