Marvel Universe stuff


Avatar of War Slayer
I think he looks great as Strange, though I always imagined Strange to be in his mid 40's or so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
"In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities," Feige told Entertainment Weekly during an interview about "Doctor Strange." He then clarified, saying, "Which is also another way of saying, 'screw around with time' -- which is part of our story."

Is There a Connection Between Eye of Agamotto and the Time Gem? - Comic Book Resources

Sounds like the time gem, or something leveraging the power of the time gem to me.
How stupid.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are you really surprised? It's a bit ridiculous to have half the goddamn infinity stones show up on one planet, but the eye was always going to be a stone.


Trakanon Raider
I think it's fine, they need a way to weave the stones into the MCU that makes sense to non-comic readers rather than having a completely separate plot about the stones. This way they can still do a good story and not end up with 5 movies with the exact same mcguffin chasing plot.


Vyemm Raider
Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange: Marvel Studios boss explains his powers |

Strange is also helped by an amulet known as The Eye of Agamotto. "The Cloak of Levitation [and] the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces," says Feige. "In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying,'screw around with time'- which is part of our story."


Vyemm Raider
New to comic books?
They should have some easter egg comic panels in the Marvel universe where a celestial visits Copernicus in the 15th century and tells him that our sun actually is in the dead center of the known universe and Copernicus goes on to introduce heliocentrism over geocentrism.


Vyemm Raider
I don't get the complaint about "half the infinity stones" being on Earth...

In the MCU movies, we have seen the Tesseract was on Earth...

The Aether was locked away in one of the Ygdrassil worlds that Natalie Portman got sent into accidently in Thor 2.. so not Earth.

The stone from Guardians of the Galaxy was definitely not on Earth, it was hidden on some remote planet where Star Lord finds it.

The Mind Stone was inside Loki's scepter, probably given to him by Thanos/The Other, and ended up in Vision, on Earth, but did not start out on Earth at all.

And now we see the Eye is apparently another stone, which would mean two stones are on Earth, though it's obvious the Tesseract was hidden there by the Asgardians trying to keep it secret (since it's hidden in Scandinavia)..


Trakanon Raider
I don't get the complaint about "half the infinity stones" being on Earth...

In the MCU movies, we have seen the Tesseract was on Earth...

The Aether was locked away in one of the Ygdrassil worlds that Natalie Portman got sent into accidently in Thor 2.. so not Earth.

The stone from Guardians of the Galaxy was definitely not on Earth, it was hidden on some remote planet where Star Lord finds it.

The Mind Stone was inside Loki's scepter, probably given to him by Thanos/The Other, and ended up in Vision, on Earth, but did not start out on Earth at all.

And now we see the Eye is apparently another stone, which would mean two stones are on Earth, though it's obvious the Tesseract was hidden there by the Asgardians trying to keep it secret (since it's hidden in Scandinavia)..
Right, and we know that Dr.Strange probably goes off into another dimension or place to learn about magic and shit so I would guess he gets the eye there rather than someplace on earth.


James Gunn saw Civil War ,and is praising it on his Twitter.

Not that interesting, what is interesting is he said he really liked Tom Holland's performance so that tells me Spider-man may be an actual character in the film, and not some after credits tie in.


Lord Nagafen Raider
177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York.




Trakanon Raider
Ok Marvel nerds what do you see in those pics that is from the universe? Like what's the doll to the right and is that female Thor's mask?


That's only cool if they bring in the TV properties as well because really all they are adding is the Guardians.

Also there is some leaked photos of some pre order toys for the movie that have Ant-man listed as Giant Man for Civil War.