Marvel Universe stuff

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
god damn you are as autistic as the dogfucker aren't you?

LMAO, imagine being so fucking retarded that you think that defacing art in a museum is "artsy" because it's art being defaced.

Literal fucking cretin.

Yeah, Artsy. faggot. It's Tim fucking Burton LOL. Did Nightmare before christmas give you nightmares or something as a kid? His films have a certain aesthetic but they certainly aren't "Dark"

He literally kills the Joker, you moron. Compare this to the Adam West Batman.
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<Gold Donor>
Eh no, a musical routine dance off to a prince song is "artsy", not that they are defacing art. Also maybe the movie was too scary for you and you closed your eyes or something, but he doesn't intentionally kill the joker. and fucking LOL your only defense is to compare it to the super camp Adam West batman TV show? Just give up dude you lost.

Here's an example of actual "dark", the opening scene of Blade. btw it has more special effects/shots/CGI in the first 15 minutes than the entire first spider-man film so yet another thing you were wrong about:

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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Eh no, a musical routine dance off to a prince song is "artsy", not that they are defacing art. Also maybe the movie was too scary for you and you closed your eyes or something, but he doesn't intentionally kill the joker. and fucking LOL your only defense is to compare it to the super camp Adam West batman TV show? Just give up dude you lost.

So which of Batman movies was dark then?

Here's an example of actual "dark", the opening scene of Blade. btw it has more special effects/shots/CGI in the first 15 minutes than the entire first spider-man film so yet another thing you were wrong about:

Number of special effect shots doesn't mean anything. The only thing matters is the quality. These "special effects" shots don't come close to what you would need to believably show Spiderman web-slinging through the city
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<Gold Donor>
So which of Batman movies was dark then?
The Nolan films were notably darker, with a gritty, more real world feel than the whimsical, artsy nature of the Tim Burton films or the damn near parody follow on films after tim burton left (ie batman and robin, batman forever).

And even more recent BvS was described as "grimdark"

Uh what you are describing is "green screen" and yeah that's way easier and less costly than the CGI employed in Blade.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
The Nolan films were notably darker, with a gritty, more real world feel than the whimsical, artsy nature of the Tim Burton films or the damn near parody follow on films after tim burton left (ie batman and robin, batman forever).

Yeah I thought it was pretty "whimsical" when Batman kills Joker, or Penguin steals human babies to murder them before going insane and trying to launch a rocket barrage at Gotham while Catwoman electrocutes herself and Schreck. That's just "whimsical" stuff.

Now that I think about it, the Keaton films were just as dark, if not darker than the Nolan films in the subject matter.

You better go look up what "whimsical" means. Scarecrow got nothing on Danny Devito's Penguin.

And even more recent BvS was described as "grimdark"

Uh what you are describing is "green screen" and yeah that's way easier and less costly than the CGI employed in Blade.

Yeah that's why films like Spiderman and X-Men had to wait for CGI to catch up. Now you're starting to catch on.
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Log Wizard
Don't make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry


And while I don't agree with Sylas on anything, the one thing he is correct on is that the Burton Batman films were not "dark"
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Batman returns was definitely dark/creepy for me as a kid. I mean penguin was a big wtf


Millie's Staff Member
Batman returns was definitely dark/creepy for me as a kid. I mean penguin was a big wtf

Yeah, you can't handwave that shit away. There was some fucked up shit in that movie. Michelle Pfeiffer actually put that bird in her mouth. That's pretty nasty. Then Penguin just chomps on that dude's nose.


Mr. Poopybutthole
but he doesn't intentionally kill the joker
Batman kills dozens of people in the two Burton movies, whether or not he intended to kill Joker is subject to interpretation but at the very least he knowingly put him in mortal peril to prevent him from escaping and he died as a direct consequence of Batman's actions. They may be a bit campy at times but they are unquestionably dark and gritty movies.


<Bronze Donator>
yeah that's why it took 2 decades to get another superman film after the last 2 bombed hard as fuck.

you contradict your own argument right there.

When a genre is proven to be fertile ground for box office success you get rival studios pumping out 2-3 per year like we've seen in the 2008-2018 decade not decade+ long droughts between films.

Blade is the first successful Marvel film, period. It opened the flood gates for everything else and convinced studios to start buying up Marvel IPs. The only other Marvel character to release in the modern era on the big screen was Howard the fucking duck. Everything else prior to the modern era, throughout the astr0 boomer generation, was low budget made for TV garbage that didn't make anyone any fucking money.

Yes DC had some success with their far more well known characters, Superman in the 70s and batman in the late 80s/early 90s but both of those franchises had shit the bed completely and DC didn't jump back into the ring until decade or so later after the slew of successful marvel films, namely X-men, Fantastic Four, and Spider-man.
You are a fucking retard. Blade is not a comic book film.
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Gunnar Durden
lol holy shit at these autistic faggots trying to pass off Burton as “artsy” like he’s Andy Warhol or something .

his style is as best dark and at worst gothic.

Apparently Christian Bale growling “where are the drugs” is darker than christopher walken murdering Michelle phifer.

Burtons movies were dark. Then Joel Schumacher turned them Into something even Adam west would think was over the top. And killed the franchise. For barely 3 years when they started the reboot franchise pre production.

shit - I think it took longer to get blade 2 to 3 than a whole new Batman franchise after Batman Forever. But yeah, “it killed a franchise for a decade”.
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Egg Nazi
best part about this derail is the reminder that we grew up in a world where Catwoman was an attractive white woman
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Gunnar Durden
I’m curious if I’m caught between boomer brain rot and millenial faggotry because I’m 41 and the avengers characters and games were big to me and my friends in the late 80s and 90s. There were part of the zeitgeist. They were still popular as hell for what I knew there was just a lack of content. Obviously the cartoons for Xmen and Spider man were the biggest deals, thus making them blockbuster movie targets.

we didn’t get a Cap of Hulk movie in the 90s, or bigger cartoons because the 80s live action flops more than the characters being B tier. And live action iron man and Thor weren’t a viable option until later.

you guys are right that those characters weren’t huge comic book sellers in the 90s and the comics trended to the X-men brand while as a whole the industry went “edgy” with dark horse, spawn, the crow and shit.

your points about marvel offering up the avengers and being turned down shows the problem wasn’t marvel or the characters, it was shitty movie execs who were all trying to Ape the Crow Instead of taking a billion dollar franchise for Pennys

Sanrith Descartes

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also fun fact, young breakdown went to the movies in 1998 and saw “The Avengers” on the marquee and was super pumped.

needless to say when I saw the poster I was very upset and confused.

Superhot Uma Thurman in a leather body suit made up for the shitty script.
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