Having beaten this and messing around with MP, there are things about this game that amaze me in the magnitude of fail.
First, you can tell the money was running out at the end. The last planet, if you even can call it one, is one giant moon patrol level with a bunch of ME1 murderdomes. It is smaller than the intro planet, sparser, and has far less to do. Then, right before the end of the game, they send you on a bunch of dumb "go to planet X to talk about my fee fees" quests which is made even more aggravating by the fact that the last half of the game has you sitting there watching loading screens because it sends you back and forth constantly. And the final boss fight is some of the most phoned in shit I have ever seen. It is a ring event from EQ1 Luclin era design. No new enemies (just an Architect who is unkillable in this instance), just Mario platforming to get to tons of DA2 style endless spans until the game decides its bored enough to let you push the I Win button, repeated three times. No, I am serious, it literally is a Mario game in that you repeat the same shit three times to win.
Second, the research points are so slow that unless you know exactly what weapons are worth a shit (and what armor fits your build), you get fucked in the end game. The crafting system is so poorly designed that by the end of the game the Reasearch is the only bottleneck by light years. I ended with more credits than I could use and enough raw materials to fabricate every weapon I owned a dozen times over, but there was only enough research to max out one set of armor and roughly three or four weapons. And on the subject of weapons, let me save you some time for single player: Dhal, Asari Sword, Hurricane, PAW with Lightning for Remnants, and Valiant. All of those (except the soon to be nerfed Valiant) are dog shit tier in Multiplayer, hilariously enough.
Finally, the multiplayer is good enough to depress you for what it might have been had the main game not sucked so much. Weapon balance is shit right now (Scorpion, Equalizer, Valiant, fuck everything else except maybe the Falcon and Pirana) but that is fixable. Powers are mostly crap, outside of passives, which is also adjustable. The progression rate is way to grindy, which is also adjustable. Whats not easily fixed is the off host hit detection which makes sniping with anything other than the Valiant nigh impossible and bugs most of the already underpowered powers way too frequently. Its fun to play, if you build a short ranged face tanker, but the maps are too congested (along with the other issues I meantioned) to facilitate any other playstyle beyond the Vanguard charge spam (which is already getting nerfed). Despite this, it IS fun, but the balance needs work so that its not just hordes of bullet sponge enemies while you are armed with a crappy pea shooter. Fun fact, the most OP build right now is the Asari Adept, but not because of her ranged powers but because they managed to put all of the most powerful mele passives into the class along with lots of shield regains, making it the supreme mele puncher. So much potential, but its a balance mess right now.