Mass Effect: Andromeda - Autism reaches outer space

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Mr. Poopybutthole
you dumb Obama-son I posted a huge review about how this game is fucking dick.

Go back to fucking ponys you faggot
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Macho Ma'am
Charge,Incinerate,Nova Asari Sword Dhan Shotgun N7 Armor Murdered everything on Veteran felt like i had to try to die.

It seems like charge is all the rage nowadays, especially with the cool kids like you who love their vanguards.

Me? I couldn't take down the cardinal (I think? The game is so shitty, thankfully it's going from my memory quickly), in less than 20 minutes if I tried.

Go team. Way to fucking have more balance issues than WoW when it first launched. In a fucking SP game. Good god, how can you fuck this up?


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Charge is good mainly because mele is the highest source of attack damage (why they nerfed it on bosses in MP) and it regains shield. The common thread of all the powers I recommend (aside from Incinerate which is good against armor and acts as ghetto stun) is shield regain. With the right choices in the passives, Annihilation Field, Charge, and an Asari Sword (for the autotracking attack animation), you can charge in to gain 50% shields, then whack something with a sword to gain another 50% shield. If you have a combo trigger to pop an explosion off of Afield, you can rack up another 20% shield per kill with optimum talent choices. This applies in both SP and MP, but its more vital in Insanity SP since the enemies have so many HP and warp in magically. With the dogshit cover mechanics, you basically are best off having constant shield regeneration power cycles, which the Vanguard setup does best. But simply having Shied Boost and Energy Drain can achieve the same effect, if you want to play the hunker down and shoot approach. Basically, due to the crappy cover and DA2 style warp ins, stacking shield regeneration is essential on Veteran and above. Plus playing as a Vanguard is the least boring in SP and the best way around the crappy netcode in MP. And the most hilarious part is that the developers have not figured out that the reason people do it is because of the shield regen, so they have been nerfing mele damage instead.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Charge is strong because of mobility and constant shield refresh with its 2-3 second cooldown.

<Insert random Tech power> is strong because Bio-converter is the most broken thing in the game and Tech's HP regen is what makes it usable. It really doesn't matter if you choose Incinerate/Energy Drain for anti-armor/shield and combo effects, use Cloak to trigger it when you toggle it on or off, or just grab the turret or VI and spam the button that tells it to engage an enemy. I'd avoid the shitty 'hold button' powers like Cryo Beam and Flamethrower though.

Turbocharge is strong because weapons make powers look like a goddamn joke, and Turbocharge buffs the shit out of them even further. The more OP the gun is to start (read: Dhan+Bio-converter+Seeking Plasma) the more utterly ridiculous it is under Turbocharge.

There's your balance. I guess it was bound to happen the moment they decided it was a good idea to dump classes and allow you to choose everything.


Macho Ma'am
I did a search for Mass Effect on, 'cause I figured why not, it can't get any worse, right? It got worse. I think I know what site they might have been perusing for ideas about this game and the asari having dicks.

Dirty fucking perverts.


Trakanon Raider
Charge, turbocharge, Dhan Shotgun. I don't use any other skills or weapons really. I occasionally equip other skills to test them and see what they do, but they're all pretty unimpressive compared to the Dhan. I remember how long it took me to kill my first ascendant and architect using some shitty AR.. After that I switched to the Dhan and kill them in less than 30 seconds..


<Gold Donor>

So yeah, brief history. I played ME1 for about 15 minutes back in the day, wasn't exactly looking for a cover shooter, didn't get in to it. And I played and beat ME2 when it came out but that was the extent of my ME experience. Never bothered with ME3 because I heard the ending was terrible and it required Mulltiplayer and IOS game add ons to "beat it properly and get the good sp ending" and fuck all that noise.

But i'm traveling with limited internet connectivity so I bought the ME Trilogy instead of buying this game.

So i just played through the full trilogy, basically you can say for the First time (since I only really played ME2, and basically got everyone killed on the suicide mission the 1 time I played it). Played the same Character through Imports (and boy is that shit buggy as fuck now with origin). Max Paragon, "perfect" endings to all 3 games. With the "extended Cut" I was able to get the "Shepard Lives" ending before multiplayer, which is good because there's only about 5 people total still playing MP and with my limited internet was only able to get in 5 matches total over the course of a week, most of the time just me and 1 other person playing, and barely got 70% readiness with that (which put me over the original number needed to get the perfect ending without the extended cut)

So ok, I like the ME universe. The trilogy was great. You can see the progression of the game, the systems, the UI, the clunkiness etc as the games get better and better over time. I think the main problem with the Ending of ME3 is that it's an ending. You don't get to do anything afterwards. And Yeah I get it, it takes "a perfect" game to even have the option to do anything afterwards, but after going through all the trouble I wanted something, shit just a cut scene showing me and Tali making babies or something. living life on Quarian homeworld with a dog or something. Basically I just wanted to see some continuum of the Shepard story.

And that's where I fucked up. I was like "man I want to keep playing ME....let's see if this Andromeda Game is really as bad as the reviews...."

oh man


So Yeah, basically fresh perspective from someone who is very recent to the series and never experienced the original hate of the ME3 ending checking in.

This shit is garbage. I haven't played enough to know the story yet, so I can't even bitch about SJWism or whatever. Purely on gameplay this shit is trash.

It's like they took the worst parts of each Mass Effect game and made that a game. Seriously for those of you who haven't played the original games in a while you probably don't remember all the crappy parts of the various games, but they are all back, and none of the good of those games came with it.

Everything about the game is a step backwards. The UI is the worst parts of ME1 with both the tedious "looting everything" from ME1, plus the "upgrade" system from 2/3 which was used to replace the shitty loot system from 1 making it even more bloated. They brought Maps back but instead of Hitting "M" to open and close you hit "M" to open, then have to hit escape twice to close it, because clunkiness is a virtue. No more quick saving? Can't save at all on certain missions, and have to navigate this bloated trash UI to save manually. the fuck? There are no more levels, they brought back the open world maps from 1 (the mako side missions with limited PoIs and a lot of shitty traveling in between) but those are the levels now. It's nothing but that. "exploration". It's one thing to hide upgrades in cubby holes and corners of a largely linear Map, but doing so in huge open world terrains with limited POIs? the fuck is wrong with these kids. that shit is just fucking tedious.

Oh remember the worst part of ME2? Scanning planets? Let's bring that back and ramp up the gayness to 11. Now you have a scanner on your arm in addition to your ship, and you need to walk around really slow across these huge open world maps scanning for shit all the time. Basically walking simulator. Oh and occassionally things shoot at you, but fuck the cover system (which I finally got around to liking cover based shooters playing the trilogy), fuck being able to control being in cover or not. But here's a jet pack, it'll totally get you killed if you use it, but you'll need it for more EXPLORATION!.

After all that, you have the regular gripes: the Voice acting and animations are just so shitty. Salarians are now gay pakistani's. That's how they talk now. Krogan are trans boys who's hormones are all fucked up. Everyone got hit with the ugly stick, humans are all fucking down syndrome kids. Seriously the graphics are just a higher polycount version of ME1 graphics. Hell i'm confident that ME1 had better graphics, just lower res.

The only decent NPC is your father and he dies immediately.

They haven't explained it yet why this Andromeda Initiative went down, but i'm assume it was to "escape what was going on in the Milky Way, with the Reapers" since that's the logical explanation on why these people would flee. "Best and Brightest of the Milky Way" i'm assuming was just the brochure to get these dimwits to volunteer to leave.

Someone said it earlier and it makes sense with the story. While Shepard was busy saving the galaxy he needed the "undesirables" to be dealt with so they weren't a burden on the galaxy during war time, so someone convinced all the retard tranny down kids to pack their shit and leave voluntarily, they were sold some bull shit fantasy about a new start "best and brightest" and they bought that shit hook line and sinker. Of course it all went to hell because they only had 1 man with a goddamn clue sent with them to baby sit and he dies immediately and nobody is around to handle shit, and it's left to you, the retarded millennial kid
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FPS noob
didn't the andromeda initiative begin even before they knew reapers were around? i vaguely remember something like that from the trial

anyways if you wanna play a good space SP game play instead Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare SP campaign. Its Earth vs military Mars, it feels very much like a prequel to Mass Effect. Jon Snow plays the bad guy too. Game is really fun so far, it takes place only in our solar system but you can fly from planet to planet and decide which missions to do and the combat is very fun and satisfying (at veteran level) and the story is great so far. I'm about half way in and really enjoying it. No bullshit filler crap or anything, its a straight up 10-15 hour sp campaign and you are done.


<Gold Donor>
oh man this game is even gayer than I thought.

So they took the shitty controls of the Mako from ME1, took the cannon off so it's just a car, and then combined that with the shitty scanning for resources mechanic from ME2.

So basically you drive around this shitty car that handles like shit with no ability to defend itself (I have just been running over enemies with it, takes like 6 or 7 hits to kill an enemy by running it over) with a scanner screen up and launch mining drones from the car. Talk about shit design.

And fuck that, nope. Time Line is as follows: Shepard needed to MMWGA and he couldn't do that with all these degenerates mooching resources so he used spectre authorization to send all these shitstains to another galaxy so they could be someone elses problem.

It reminds me of one of the stories from Hitchhikers guide to the universe. A civilization sent all their administrators and bedwetters on an expedition to colonize another galaxy just to get rid of them.


I'm Amod too!

Did the Mass Effect people work on this fucking game?

I'm more impressed with that since the company looks like it has under 15 people. Shitty Indie teams still get a bit more slack than giant companies.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Agreed. Plus they are developing this for PSVR.

With that also said, I am going to wait for reviews on Farpoint. The last games I had spent $39-49 on were no where near that in terms of content.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
And that's where I fucked up. I was like "man I want to keep playing ME....let's see if this Andromeda Game is really as bad as the reviews...."


I'm sorry for your suffering, but at the same time I started laughing as soon as I got to that sentence and didn't stop for the entire rest of your post.


Blackwing Lair Raider
didn't the andromeda initiative begin even before they knew reapers were around? i vaguely remember something like that from the trial

anyways if you wanna play a good space SP game play instead Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare SP campaign. Its Earth vs military Mars, it feels very much like a prequel to Mass Effect. Jon Snow plays the bad guy too. Game is really fun so far, it takes place only in our solar system but you can fly from planet to planet and decide which missions to do and the combat is very fun and satisfying (at veteran level) and the story is great so far. I'm about half way in and really enjoying it. No bullshit filler crap or anything, its a straight up 10-15 hour sp campaign and you are done.

They launched sometime after ME1 and near the start of ME2. There are mentions of project lazarus from some ex cerberus folks. They believed the initial coverup that the first attack on the citadel was a geth attack not a reaper. Although in that time line there are some reasonable amounts of information that there had been periodic galactic extinction events of major civilizations but they did not tie it to anything definitive.


Blackwing Lair Raider
oh man this game is even gayer than I thought.

So they took the shitty controls of the Mako from ME1, took the cannon off so it's just a car, and then combined that with the shitty scanning for resources mechanic from ME2.

So basically you drive around this shitty car that handles like shit with no ability to defend itself (I have just been running over enemies with it, takes like 6 or 7 hits to kill an enemy by running it over) with a scanner screen up and launch mining drones from the car. Talk about shit design.

And fuck that, nope. Time Line is as follows: Shepard needed to MMWGA and he couldn't do that with all these degenerates mooching resources so he used spectre authorization to send all these shitstains to another galaxy so they could be someone elses problem.

It reminds me of one of the stories from Hitchhikers guide to the universe. A civilization sent all their administrators and bedwetters on an expedition to colonize another galaxy just to get rid of them.

The one nice thing about the new nomad is once you get it really geared up its a pretty solid transport. The mods for it all stack so once you make the mods it auto applies so its not like you pick and chose you just get all of them. Once I realized that I pimped my nomad out and its pretty solid now. I do miss the cannon though but for a party wagon it works pretty well. With the agility and boost improvements I have mountain climbed some pretty silly areas without to much problems.


<Gold Donor>
lol how is that a nice thing?

With a lot of bullshit tedium you can get a vehicle that's still infinitely shittier than Mako from ME1.

That's all this game is, fucking tedium. The worst elements of the 3 previous games amalgamated together in a shit sandwich of which there is no escape.

Played a little bit more to find out the story is just as shitty as everything else in the game. Your a bunch of hipster millenials who "aww shucks well you tried" your way through some trite bullshit. So far I got a Transracial Asari wanna be, faggot salarians and tranny krogan, to top off the down syndrome humans.

This game sucks period it has zero redeeming qualities.

i'm just going to replay 1 - 3, Renegade shep vanguard here i come
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Golden Knight of the Realm
The story is just all written for convince it's so terrible. Who the hell rams space ships into strange space shit?? Or the fact some how the arks all end up showing up at different times so they get separated and fucked up. Or the best part some how the kett steal an ark and make it past 3 other pathfinders and half an army of biotic super women. It's like a hold my beer adventure. Lets do some stupid shit and hope for excellent results!

If the kett remain the major plot drivers for the rest of the series then it's just super garbage tier, fuck that.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Oh and pressing space bar 400 times to open apex boxes is super great idea. A++ on that UI design.


Macho Ma'am
Oh remember the worst part of ME2? Scanning planets? Let's bring that back and ramp up the gayness past the octaves that a soprano singer will hit that has just been repeatedly nutpunched..

FTFY. And that music would still be better than what's in ME:A.