Reading/watching every review I can find - the discourse around difficulty is interesting as it appears you can simply leave your palico at home and solo and have the difficulty be present, or they've given you a pretty op palico and ai helpers to overcome pretty much everything if you're not quite as good. Seems like a decent solution, though imperfect. I know I carted plenty in the beta to Arkveld, and carted a metric ton in MHW. Game seems a bit easier than MHW and roughly equal to Rise from what I gather, and people are just much better at the game as well after playing World. I know I'm still not great, but I'm a god compared to how I played when starting World.
Time is just moving so freaking slow, really need Thursday night to get here before my baby does!
My biggest gripe probably from reviews is performance, and lack of a home base/room/big hub. I really liked that in World and spent a bit of time capturing wildlife for my base. Also, the continued support and updating they do for these games is exciting and I'll be really interested to see a post launch roadmap heading into the expansion next year.