Friday? pff...Thursday night!Seems like biggest criticisms are smaller monster roster, slightly easier (especially low rank), and performance, still. Roll on Friday, very very excited!
Are the Deluxe versions just MTX?
Thinking I'll order this on GMG soon but not sure what version to get.
I think difficulty will be fine once you're into HR, and some people are suggesting not using the Palico. Reviewers also got patch notes for the day 1 update, and they mention "balance adjustments".Any chance they make it a little more difficult for the release?
To be fair LR is always kind of a joke if it's not your first MH, barring maybe like one annoying ass monster(like poison spamming shit and you don't have enough of the good poison removal consumables or poison resist gear at that point yet so you have to drink antidotes slowly). HR should be harder by default, but usually even then MH isn't too hard, at least since MHW. The difficulty usually only comes in the postgame stuff(tempered mobs), the patch monsters and later the expansion.Any chance they make it a little more difficult for the release?
This guy has the whiniest soyboy voice ever I had to turn it off. I can't stand people with shitty speaking voices making videos for a living.
Bow, gunlance, sword and shield, dual blades, Heavy bow gun, greatsword, lance.Whats a good weapon to start with?
I used the Longsword in World and like it but think I want to try something else.