Monsters and Memories (Project_N) - Old School Indie MMO


Trakanon Raider
Then the LFG queue is 235 dps waiting for both a tank and healer

/LFG is a thing last I checked, right?
More than a LFG Queue system, I just want people to have a reason to fill those last couple spots in their group. I guess it boils down to the exp formulas. Maybe having that second druid in the group isn't doing much to increase the rate of killing, but he's been keeping the exp bonus bonfire going so we'll keep him - sort of thing.


Trakanon Raider
Good times this time around.

1) Macro for /hidecorpse all because I am too lazy to type it more than once.
2) Turn on HDR on monitor. Night is now perfect. Can see, but still has the dark vibe.
3)Remember to have's not a job.

Some Cleric made it to 26 or 28. I got 6 characters to 3-4. My lack of focus is disturbing.
Basically the same- checked out a bunch of classes to see their newb quest line and take a peek at their spells and stuff. Was hoping to whittle down my eventual class selections down some, but I can't say that was super successful lol.
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Trakanon Raider
Basically the same- checked out a bunch of classes to see their newb quest line and take a peek at their spells and stuff. Was hoping to whittle down my eventual class selections down some, but I can't say that was super successful lol.
I Got it down to SK, Pali, Shaman, & Necro. It's a work in progress.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I know these guys aren’t big on QOL features, but I want some assistance finding or starting a group. Or at least sizable incentive to get people to form a group and try to fill it. Sitting at the same spot for hours to get 2 bubbles of exp is gameplay I actually enjoy. Being LFG for half my playtime is not.
Yeah even when I was unemployed 20 years ago and had nothing but time to play EQ sitting around LFGing was such a frustrating and boring waste of time. I did not like WOWs system of just putting you into some random cross server party from a pool of millions of players where no one chatted, but some kind of LFG features for a low population tight community game should be a thing that exists. I think the first time I spent 20-30 minutes not being able to solo and just LFGing I would uninstall. Don’t have time for that kind of boredom from my entertainment.


Avatar of War Slayer
Choose a solo friendly class

I say this as i love SK and i soloed so much in classic and p99 it was a slow steady road… but at times fun. But i really should have taken my own advice and been a necro or shaman hehe… but i love SKs…

I am playing a SK in this… lol


Molten Core Raider
Can Elementalists snare in this game? Because I'll play Elementalist but if it's going to be a Mage post PoP situation (lost our soloing ability) then I might go with something else.


Trakanon Raider
Can Elementalists snare in this game? Because I'll play Elementalist but if it's going to be a Mage post PoP situation (lost our soloing ability) then I might go with something else.
The water ele pet has a snare with their waterbolt or whatever- but I'm not sure how viable that is for kiting purposes.


You need 2-3 regulars (someone willing to play healer or go the aggro/fear kite rogue) and a strong smally comp. SK fits into this just fine. The problem is everyone wants to be the bad ass 2h hybrid or rogue DPS.

If you don't have a healer, figure out an aggro kite strat.


Avatar of War Slayer
I never can play enough to be any regular, but i try and get into a bro guild that wont kick me and just be a free random when i show up.

SK was good for that in EQ i could be fairly self reliant on getting to and fro etc


Trump's Staff
It's looking like I'll be rolling an Inquisitor come release, and my set group will be with a Pally, a Bard, and a Druid. Ideally I'll be responsible for pulling, off-tanking, and spot CC. Nobody got forced into those classes but it just worked out that it's a solid mix. Should be easy to find DPS for dungeon crawls when we need it.

Also, to continue my ongoing QOL rant, I discovered this test that *drum roll* you can't gate while encumbered. Between this and the dropping your spellbook thing, it's starting to feel like one of the decision-makers is very concerned with homogenizing disadvantages between melee classes & casters, but really not giving it much thought. If a caster must run to a bank to access their class defining abilities on a corpse run, why does a Monk retain FD on death? Why does a Rogue retain stealth? Should melee abilities be 'scribed' in a droppable 'training manual' similar to a spellbook? If the inability to gate while encumbered is meant to level the playing field between caster and melee classes, how do we reconcile the fact that carry capacity is tied directly to a melee class' main dmg stat (STR)? Should weight limit be standardized across the board?
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It's looking like I'll be rolling an Inquisitor come release, and my set group will be with a Pally, a Bard, and a Druid. Ideally I'll be responsible for pulling, off-tanking, and spot CC. Nobody got forced into those classes but it just worked out that it's a solid mix. Should be easy to find DPS for dungeon crawls when we need it.

Also, to continue my ongoing QOL rant, I discovered this test that *drum roll* you can't gate while encumbered. Between this and the dropping your spellbook thing, it's starting to feel like one of the decision-makers is very concerned with homogenizing disadvantages between melee classes & casters, but really not giving it much thought. If a caster must run to a bank to access their class defining abilities on a corpse run, why does a Monk retain FD on death? Why does a Rogue retain stealth? Should melee abilities be 'scribed' in a droppable 'training manual' similar to a spellbook? If the inability to gate while encumbered is meant to level the playing field between caster and melee classes, how do we reconcile the fact that carry capacity is tied directly to a melee class' main dmg stat (STR)? Should weight limit be standardized across the board?
Wow, ok. Maybe this game just isn't FOR you, Zoooomer!!


Mr. Poopybutthole
If wizards want to bank 3000 copper they can slow crawl to the bank uphill in the snow like the rest of us!


Trump's Staff
If wizards want to bank 3000 copper they can slow crawl to the bank uphill in the snow like the rest of us!

Hah ya. I think my point is that 3000 copper impacts a wizard far differently than it does a rogue due to stat allocation and gear choice. Making the change to gate just feels half baked.

If we’re not gonna leave this system alone, I’d rather see every class get a gate spell, but we know that ain’t gonna happen.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
You should at least be able to bind anyone anywhere and not restrict melee to bind only in certain areas but casters can bind wherever they want.

I always hated that.


Trakanon Raider
I think some of the anti-QOL elements seem worse right now because not all game systems are in. For example, I'm pretty sure they are planning to have pack animals or something that you can park near a dungeon to offload all your loot/money before you're ready to head to town.

Exploring these ideas could lead to interesting gameplay if it allows people to essentially set up shipping lanes between a busy dungeon and a town.

Some parts of EQ seem excessively harsh until you've played it for a while and you realize how minimize the hurt.
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Trump's Staff
You should at least be able to bind anyone anywhere and not restrict melee to bind only in certain areas but casters can bind wherever they want.

I always hated that.

Ya i don’t mind this idea either. The classic WoW system was the optimal one, but I’m fine with classic EQ goofiness. This system in MNM is another layer of goofiness i don’t care for.
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Trump's Staff
So my previous rant about vendors and their very specific item buying restrictions… i finally read about what people are doing with this, and maybe it’s intended? They’re spending a bunch of time playing MerchantQuest, and buying low from some vendors and selling high to others.

Now i haven’t seen this myself or verified its effectiveness… but i guess i could see it being satisfying gameplay to some. The decision to include the vendor features as they stand makes more sense to me if this is what they intend.

I do still hate having to engage in it, but anything that keeps more players playing longer without totally destroying the vibe is net positive to me.


Trakanon Raider
You should at least be able to bind anyone anywhere and not restrict melee to bind only in certain areas but casters can bind wherever they want.

I always hated that.
What if I told you that's how it actually works?
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