Those dungeons are fine. But Im just not a fan of their <1% drop chances on certain items. Goes against everything Ive learned about reward structures in games. You get just as much dopamine from getting an item on your 5th clear, as you do on your 100th clear. However, the emotion itself changes. In the 5th clear, its YES! /queue He-Man's "I HAVE THE POWERR!!!!" moment, to the 100th clear's "THANK FUCKING GOD THATS OVER."
Obviously I dont think the second one is all that fun. I can go into a development blog about it. But its not necessary when I can just say EQ TLP Mischief double loot, random loot, server ruleset changed my mind completely. I didnt quit playing when I was BIS in a game designed 100% around loot. I enjoyed the game for more than that. Which should be the motive behind an MMO - not FOMO or any similar emotional mechanic.