Most underrated and overrated movies ever


Potato del Grande
Overrated: Aliens (Alien 2). Pretty simple shoot-em up that gutted the original's cool idea for an ultimately fairly medicore 'Nam in Space 1980s action flick.

Underrated: Alien 3. It clearly has flaws, but brought existential horror back to the franchise (if only shortly). Subverting the suger-coated happy ending of Aliens right at the start was a genius move among others.

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Buzzfeed Editor
To steal an overused line from the "We Hate Movies" podcast, it's a perfectly fine Hangover Movie. I can and probably have put on Resurrection in the midst of a skullfuck hangover and was able to doze off, wake up and sleepily munch 2 bites of last nights asian Italian calzone bowl I ordered for some reason, doze back off and repeat and still be 100% in tune with the film.

Alien 3 requires mescaline to even understand all the accent changes.
Yeah that's not a good movie though, that's background noise. It's hard to really express how disappointing Resurrection was back then. Especially coming off the disappointment of 3. I had just finished reading Aliens: Tribes and watching The City of Lost Children when it came out, so I was already at half mast. But that movie is a meandering, pointless mess. There's nothing redeeming in the entire thing. All that hybrid nonsense, so stupid, so disappointing with such pretty ok source material to draw from out there but instead they have just opted for mediocrity.

I'd think maybe it's time for a rewatch and to reevaluate but no, I don't think I will.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Biggest problem with Alien 3 was that Dark Horse had some amazing ideas in comic book form for where to take the series, like Earth War, that never got realized because they decided to not use those ideas and just make a prison reboot of the first alien movie. Now, there were some good things about the movie like basically showing how dangerous a single alien was to unarmed people and the murder doctor guy, but they basically single handedly killed the idea of anything like earth war ever happening and a lot of fans were pissed over that (myself among them). Whedon tried to steer things back into that direction with the ending of A4, complete with clone Ripley more or less filling in the Newt role from the comics, but that movie was all over the place and fucked up in other ways with him trying to do a Firefly alpha version with it.

If you have not read the Dark Horse Predator and Alien books from the 80s and 90s, they are worth checking out for non shitty storylines from that universe. Short version is Newt grows up and goes back to retake earth, which is overrun with Aliens and meanwhile some badass law woman chick from some outpost spends years hunting aliens with a group of predators. The two eventually meet on earth and help lead the reclaiming of earth with Ripley.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Edit- And about Aliens 2, it took the whole franchise in a more action less horror direction, but it stands out to me as the quintessential 80s action sci-fi movie (along with Predator) and holds up fairly well to the present. Biggest problem I have with it is that if you do not see the extended version, a lot of parts make no sense. Specifically there is a scene where Burke and Ripley discuss how her daughter grew old without her that sets up the Newt relationship and a whole sequence with the automated miniguns that explains the whole alien assault on the Ops better. The second one is the bigger omission, because there are actually lines referring to the scene in the original cut and a bunch of their defense strategy/reactions to the assault does not make complete sense without it.


I’d rather watch Prometheus than Alien 3.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I do fondly remember how divisive opinions were on Prometheus, especially here. That move was both great and terrible in various ways.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The best thing about Prometheus was it spawned the ongoing 'Prometheus school of running away from things' gag in Cinema Sins.
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<Bronze Donator>
Alien 3 was not that bad in the grand scheme of horror/sci-fi.

The whole space prison colony (oh how I wish we could have them now) was cool.

"I'm a murderer and rapist of women. Lady, you don't want to know me".

Prometheus was a visually beautiful movie and was entertaining for the most part. For awhile there it was on TV all the time, and I left it up in the background whenever it was.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Wasn't Alien 3 the one where she developed the weird mother/child relationship with the Alien?

That was total crap.
That's Resurrection. 3 is the prison planet where Roc and Tywin Lannister protect her from some guys who want to rape her, then a dog alien kills them all, then she dies like jesus because movies.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
That's Resurrection. 3 is the prison planet where Roc and Tywin Lannister protect her from some guys who want to rape her, then a dog alien kills them all, then she dies like jesus because movies.

Oh, right. Yeah, that wasn't bad.

Resurrection was total crap. Like "WTF were you thinking" levels of crap.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah 3 was bad. But 4 was so, so, so bad. It's the clear worst of the series. Including all the AvP shit.

I feel like the first AvP with the chick getting like baptized a "warrior" by the one Pred to fight the Queen was some of the dumbest shit I ever saw.
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Buzzfeed Editor
3 is bad because of all the promise it had. a young Fincher directing, Weaver still in her prime, all the cast from Alien 2 was there. If they hadn't fucked that up, that could have been the biggest movie of the decade. But they fucked it up and sent in a bad movie.

4 is bad because it isn't even an Alien movie. They took the zany french guy and had him make.. whatever that shit is. And i love him as an artist, but that movie is fucking dogshit and you are a bad person if you like it.

The AvP movies, tbh I didn't watch any after the first one. I read the comics where the aliens had basically infested Earth and the Predators sent their team of hunters, can't remember all the details but it was awesome. The movie was not. didn't watch any of the rest because I just assumed they would suck.

Same with Predator. Predator 1 was just an amazing movie. 2 I don't remember all that much of, but I remember it being meh but not terrible. Then they just started raping it over and over. The one where they drop all the guys onto the planet was almost ok, but in the end it sucked. Hollywood just can't get right.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
People just need to stop asking for new Alien or Predator movies and Hollywood just need to stop making them.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
That's Resurrection. 3 is the prison planet where Roc and Tywin Lannister protect her from some guys who want to rape her, then a dog alien kills them all, then she dies like jesus because movies.
Was Resurrection the one with batshit Winona Ryder?
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The best thing about Prometheus was it spawned the ongoing 'Prometheus school of running away from things' gag in Cinema Sins.
I rustled the shit out of someone on Youtube bitching about how dumb the scientists were on that movie.
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