Most underrated and overrated movies ever


<Prior Amod>
alien 3 and 4 sucked b/c sigourney weaver had input and basically directive control into how she wanted ripley to play out.

no... this makes no sense, actors are actors, they don't write characters.

imagine driving from ny to cali and youre doing swell up until you hit colorado and then the car decides, "hey, i'm a car, i decide how i want to be driven now"

and youre like "wtf car, i'm the one driving you this whole time!!"

car says "yea well i should be able to control my own destiny, cuz i'm a car and i'm the star of the show, and OH SHIT THERES A RACOON ON THE ROAD, imma go crash into the tree to save the racoon, but you die, oh well, i had to make a choice"

and thats what happens when you let actors think

actors don't think, they just act
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Just watched a Dolby Vision rip of Hell or High Watermelon. Great fucking movie. Not sure how I missed out on it but I'm glad I did so I got to experience it on the new TV in 4K DV grandeur. Not that it was some sort of visual masterpiece, but the panoramic shots looked fantastic. Kind of similar plot to The Town, which I'm also a big fan of, just set it a very different environment. My thanks to whoever mentioned it in this thread. Movie made me want to move to West Texas.

You're welcome! Although Hell or High Water is the movie, Hell or High Watermelon is a beer by 21st Amendment. Not a bad beer (wish they hadn't changed the recipe), but not as good as the film.


Trakanon Raider
Yep. I was excited to see this because I loved Pan's Labyrinth. What a piece of shit.

Pan's Labyrinth is in my top 5 movies of all time. I wish more people would watch it. Yes, it's in Spanish. No, it's not a kid's movie (seriously, watch it). The Captain in that movie may be the most evil character in cinema history. Even Dr. Lecter had some redeeming qualities.
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Karazhan Raider
4 is bad because it isn't even an Alien movie. They took the zany french guy and had him make.. whatever that shit is. And i love him as an artist, but that movie is fucking dogshit and you are a bad person if you like it.
Somewhere in Alien 4 there's a half human xenomorph licking Weaver or Winona or some shit. That's all I remember. It was retarded.


Karazhan Raider
That's the one. For God's sake why did you post that.
  • 1Salty
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Buzzfeed Editor
No, look at it. We must all witness this. This is truly the worst Alien movie.
  • 2Worf
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Buzzfeed Editor
You're welcome! Although Hell or High Water is the movie, Hell or High Watermelon is a beer by 21st Amendment. Not a bad beer (wish they hadn't changed the recipe), but not as good as the film.
The movie is great, I love it, I lived there as a kid. I think anyone who saw that movie and got a desire to move to West Texas might have missed the point, but I'm glad they made it.


Buzzfeed Editor
alien 3 and 4 sucked b/c sigourney weaver had input and basically directive control into how she wanted ripley to play out.

no... this makes no sense, actors are actors, they don't write characters.

imagine driving from ny to cali and youre doing swell up until you hit colorado and then the car decides, "hey, i'm a car, i decide how i want to be driven now"

and youre like "wtf car, i'm the one driving you this whole time!!"

car says "yea well i should be able to control my own destiny, cuz i'm a car and i'm the star of the show, and OH SHIT THERES A RACOON ON THE ROAD, imma go crash into the tree to save the racoon, but you die, oh well, i had to make a choice"

and thats what happens when you let actors think

actors don't think, they just act
Sometimes it works out. Apparently Harrison Ford has used his input to stop any number of terribly Indiana Jones ideas from being made. I don't know what happened with Alien as a franchise, should win a prize for the worst squandering of potential of all time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, actor creative input isn't always a bad thing. Many famous scenes have resulted from that ("Here's Johnny!", Indiana Jones shoots the sword dude instead of fighting him, the "tears in the rain" speech in Blade Runner, etc).
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Tranny Chaser
Just watched a Dolby Vision rip of Hell or High Watermelon. Great fucking movie. Not sure how I missed out on it but I'm glad I did so I got to experience it on the new TV in 4K DV grandeur. Not that it was some sort of visual masterpiece, but the panoramic shots looked fantastic. Kind of similar plot to The Town, which I'm also a big fan of, just set it a very different environment. My thanks to whoever mentioned it in this thread. Movie made me want to move to West Texas.
What tv do you have, keg?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Leon was alright. The relationship between Leon and uhh whatever her name was is suspect especially when you realize the same culture that made it also made cuties.
This is where I find out the director knocked up a 15 year old.

Yeah. Now Leon is just straight creepy af


Shit Lord Supreme
Covenant still isn't as bad as Aliens 4 though, that and the Predators vs Aliens Sequel, those are the two.

Since the trilogy its been a competition to see who can run the franchise into the ground harder, but none have topped those two.

If we consider Aliens 3 as being Mediocre to OK, every movie after that covers either or both franchises, has been dog shit.

The least bad probably being the first Alien vs Predator, or Prometh--- ... ;)
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Buzzfeed Editor
Covenant and Prometheus are, 100%, what happen when you seal yourself in a vacuum chamber of yesmen. Same shit happened to Lucas. You need conflict to make art. If there's no one saying no to your stupid ass alien hybrid idea, and dumptrucks of money at your disposal so there's nothing there to rein them in, this is what happens.
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Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
endings pretty terribad on alien 4, there's still a couple fun scenes, can you name 1 fun scene in 3? no. that's why most lists that rank the aliens movies have 4 above 3.