You got into vintage so I assume you acquired a Black Lotus. I'm looking at a HP UNL Lotus on TCGplayer for $3400. That's one card. Care to expound on your definition of 'little effort'?
Sure. I traded a lot for a while to get into modern, then stopped bothering with the trade tables once I started judging events, which I do about once a month. As payment I always take credit and buy some kind of reserve staple.
Last GenCon I traded a bunch of modern stuff I wasn't playing (goyfs, fetches, colonnades, other stuff) for a Ruby, Emerald, and Ancestral Recall. Wasn't really intentional, I just found a backpack trader with a pile of power to break up and grabbed it while I could. Also left with all of legacy Lands, Tabernacle included. It was a good weekend. 3 of 9 acquired, no cash spent.
I started banking all the credit I could with SCG ahead of GP Atlanta. Saved anything I got working their events, exchanged local credit for SCG with other judges, and sold some random staples for cash that I used to buy more credit for .80 on the dollar. By GP Atlanta I had a touch more than 3800 banked, and called requesting they have a specific LP Lotus on hand marked at 4k so I could see it before dropping that much. I also buylisted more stuff I didn't much want anymore. Chains of Meph, some MM2 stuff, etc. Added another 700 or so to my tally.
I haggle them down on a Time Walk to 600 since I was spending 4000 on the Lotus. Didn't bother telling them I had it all basically paid for on my account. Grand total on my debit card that day was 80 bucks. 5 of 9 acquired, Lotus done, 80 cash spent.
Saturday of GP Atlanta they ran a vintage sale for 15% off. I convinced them to refund me the difference on my 4600 purchase the previous day, netting 690 back. Immediately picked up a Pearl and Jet for 1300 combined, making this the first significant cash outlay I made on power. 7/9 down, total cash spent 690. Still under a hundred bucks per card.
Only major thing left was a Sapphire, which I bought for cash off a friend for 900 using a mix of local store credit and money from judging. Later on I buy listed some standard junk for most of a Timetwister to finish my 9. All told, I have well under 1800 in "real" cash sunk into power that I can retrieve in less than a day should I ever need to. I mean yeah, the value all came from somewhere. It's stuff I got through other means and a bunch of judging and haggling, but it hasn't put a dent in my actual income at all. Took me about five months total.
And it never really felt like effort. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. If I wasn't judging an event, I'd likely be there anyway not making much of my time. Might as well work it and still get to hang out. I actually have spare power at this point because... Why not? I'd rather flip my judge mailings into reserved cards than sit on foils that will only go down and are a hassle to keep mint. I still need to finish a set of Workshops and maybe Bazaars, but otherwise there is very little I feel the need go acquire anymore. It just comes to you naturally over time if you want it.