MTG thread


Yeah dude you need to chill. I have never been to or hear of a store that was able to order extra promos of that nature. Most of the time they are sent out based on what wizards expects you to need which is based on how much you order basically and once they are gone folks are SoL. I mean it's plausible they may get more if they actually registered the redemption code for every promo they gave out but yeah, it's definitely not normal to get more.


Excellent Price / Cross Reference Tool :

On a side note ,

Fo' Reals :



Trakanon Raider
What a boring field of decks for the Worlds. 8 American Flash, 5 Jund. Glad to see Kibler's Gruul aggro deck is tearing it up vs. all the boring choices.


Trakanon Raider
That tool looks good, but also seems a bit buggy. The one you linked was the m14 version, and it doesn't show me data past the 8 week mark even when changing the slider. I realized that's because it probably didn't have any price info from before that, so I went to the commander version.. same thing. But, on a card like fulminator mage, it has detailed history for the last few years.

On other Commander only cards, I tried Flusterstorm, Path to exile and Kaalia, it had the same problem. Only showed data for last 8 weeks. Dunno what I'm doing wrong or if it's just buggy with Commander cards.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This just in: Domri Rade is still good. (I ran the numbers.)
Also: Scavenging Ooze.


Yeah dude you need to chill. I have never been to or hear of a store that was able to order extra promos of that nature. Most of the time they are sent out based on what wizards expects you to need which is based on how much you order basically and once they are gone folks are SoL. I mean it's plausible they may get more if they actually registered the redemption code for every promo they gave out but yeah, it's definitely not normal to get more.
Following up for those who haven't redeemed codes or are connected to a store or whatever:

According to the store where I play at - they have refilled several times. In the past you needed to contact your rep. However, now they have a website and the tournament organizer for the store just needs to log on and request more. This should work until like December or something.

Was kind of surprised that people were shocked at a store getting more promos, since most of the stores around here still have plenty in stock and have no problem getting more.


Golden Squire
Been playing R/G aggro (aka Kibler's deck) and the jund and UWR control tears are delicious. Still, fuck elf decks
For whatever reason I never get a good draw against them and then get clobbered by a Craterhoof Behemoth.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Following up for those who haven't redeemed codes or are connected to a store or whatever:

According to the store where I play at - they have refilled several times. In the past you needed to contact your rep. However, now they have a website and the tournament organizer for the store just needs to log on and request more. This should work until like December or something.

Was kind of surprised that people were shocked at a store getting more promos, since most of the stores around here still have plenty in stock and have no problem getting more.
Considering the promotion for buying the digital game is running til like the end of this year, it's not surprising.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Been playing R/G aggro (aka Kibler's deck) and the jund and UWR control tears are delicious. Still, fuck elf decks
For whatever reason I never get a good draw against them and then get clobbered by a Craterhoof Behemoth.
Mono red has been my worst matchup with that deck so far.


Trakanon Raider
RG Kibler is a great deck, but I'm a little tired of people raving like it's something revolutionary. It's about as bog standard red/green as it gets. UWR Flash has all but disappeared from my local store, but Jund is still going strong in spite of it.

I split top prize Friday with Naya midrange similar to Temujin's list from the invitational, and made top 8 for game day with the same deck. It's actually pretty fun, and has a solid Jund matchup. I've yet to be beaten by Kibler aggro yet, Burning Earth or not. I'm probably going to stick to Naya for a couple of weeks and see how comfortable I am with it before the next Open in September. While I much prefer playing Junk Aristocrats, the meta has pretty much abolished any chance of success for it. I am enjoying Domri Naya quite a bit.


Heh, they are apparently taking the "20" in FTV 20 a bit literally with how many packs each store (or at least ours) is getting. 20 FTV 20's to distribute from my main gaming store. They are giving them out in various ways, 8 to buy at MSRP via raffle at FNM, 8 as prizes in a sealed tourney (plus other prizes), and 4 given out for free in a TBD manner. Of the dozen or so other LGS nearby, none of the other ones that I've checked have announced how they'll be distributing theirs.


Golden Squire
Heh, they are apparently taking the "20" in FTV 20 a bit literally with how many packs each store (or at least ours) is getting. 20 FTV 20's to distribute from my main gaming store. They are giving them out in various ways, 8 to buy at MSRP via raffle at FNM, 8 as prizes in a sealed tourney (plus other prizes), and 4 given out for free in a TBD manner. Of the dozen or so other LGS nearby, none of the other ones that I've checked have announced how they'll be distributing theirs.
Sounds awefully similar to how my LGS is doing it


Trakanon Raider
Mine was pretty much taking preorders at MSRP for regular customers who aren't running a tab (they let people do that), and were going to take a wait see approach for any remainder. There's 3 or 4 of us who were sold one at MSRP. I paid for mine quite a while back, actually. Planning to do the same with 1 of each commander deck.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sounds like most of the talk here is for the actual card game, not any of the video game versions.

But Hearthstone, and not getting into beta has given me a big yearning to play a TCG, and Magic is the next best thing. Any input on the video game version, and where to start?

My apologies, if this is the wrong thread for that.


Vyemm Raider
I played the 1996 microprose Shandalar on the weekend. Is there anything modern that is similar? i love the deck building and RGP aspect of this game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I played the 1996 microprose Shandalar on the weekend. Is there anything modern that is similar? i love the deck building and RGP aspect of this game.
As far as I know, the newer versions of the video game MTG don't have as much deck building as Shandalar did. You get new cards, as you win matches, but it's pretty restricted with what you can take in and out of your deck.

I could be wrong though, as I haven't played in a long time.


Golden Squire
So my LGS is hosting a M14 sealed tourney this weekend where top eight get FTV:20. Unfortunately I haven't been able to play much limited, though from reading StarCityGames it seems blue is the best colour. Anyone got any tips?

I did at least do the prerelease and release events.


Open bombs? Generally... White is pretty weak as a main, but can be a good splash. Red rarely seems much better. Black, green, and blue can hold their own. But Sealed is generally about what you open, so... just make sure you're running enough creatures, or something.