MTG thread


Trakanon Raider
Huntmaster comparisons aren't appropriate. The 2 life and 2 damage / 2 to the face were what made huntmaster a beast.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Also turns into 6 power on the table, or 2 blocker if necessary, inherent card advantage in having 2 bodies, etc.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sylvan Caryatid sitting at $3.23 for presale. Seems like it could be a decent buy for later, Birds were always $6+.


Trakanon Raider
It's a buy a box promo, it won't be much. I'll probably scrape up most of a playset on release night. She'll definitely see play though.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Card seems really good regardless of what you play it with. It's kinda like a better farseek that just has the downside of dying to wraths or maybe devour flesh.


Trakanon Raider
And the upside of adding to devotion. I agree, she's damn good. One of the biggest drawbacks to mana dorks is that aggro runs right past them and they die so easily. This makes a solid blocker in a pinch, and isn't bolt bait.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Since I'm so out of it with modern Magic, I think it should be a board rule that you all post a picture of the cards you're talking about =P


Golden Squire
Anyone here have experience with Magic Online want to chime in on what the best events/queues are for expected value? I want to get into it more, but the costs can are pretty high.

Edit: Should add that I have a red deck wins for standard. It isn't tier one but it gets the job done and was cheap.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Anyone here have experience with Magic Online want to chime in on what the best events/queues are for expected value? I want to get into it more, but the costs can are pretty high.

Edit: Should add that I have a red deck wins for standard. It isn't tier one but it gets the job done and was cheap.
A good RDW deck is tier 1 for standard right now, especially on MTGO.

You want to do the 4 round Standard events that are posted in the scheduled events room for the best EV.

If you are good at sealed, do the 4 round sealed events in that room too.

The 8 man single elim Standard queues in the Constructed Queues room are OKAY EV as well.

Do not do 2 man queues. Do not draft unless you are a god that can crush 8-4s all day.


El Presidente
A good RDW deck is tier 1 for standard right now, especially on MTGO.

You want to do the 4 round Standard events that are posted in the scheduled events room for the best EV.

If you are good at sealed, do the 4 round sealed events in that room too.

The 8 man single elim Standard queues in the Constructed Queues room are OKAY EV as well.

Do not do 2 man queues. Do not draft unless you are a god that can crush 8-4s all day.
Just about any constructed daily is good EV really. Block Constructed, Pauper, Standard, Modern, whatever. Just learn the format and play the 4 round dailies. You get 6 packs for 6 tickets if you go 3-1 so you really only need to 3-1 like 40 percent to make a profit. Anytime you 4-0 you end up making bank. All of this depends on your skill level. If you are very good at limited Sealed Dailies and 64 man drafts can be awesome, but if you're not good then they can suck your tickets away like a vacuum. You have to keep in mind that even the bads on MODO are not nearly as bad as the bads at a LGS on average since they have to care enough about Magic to do it digitally.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Just about any constructed daily is good EV really. Block Constructed, Pauper, Standard, Modern, whatever. Just learn the format and play the 4 round dailies. You get 6 packs for 6 tickets if you go 3-1 so you really only need to 3-1 like 40 percent to make a profit. Anytime you 4-0 you end up making bank. All of this depends on your skill level. If you are very good at limited Sealed Dailies and 64 man drafts can be awesome, but if you're not good then they can suck your tickets away like a vacuum. You have to keep in mind that even the bads on MODO are not nearly as bad as the bads at a LGS on average since they have to care enough about Magic to do it digitally.
Depends on the season. When sets are new, the sealed queues are filled with terribles.

Oh, yeah, the BEST EV EVENTS on MTGO are Release Event Sealed. Not Prerelease Sealed, those are awful, but the two weeks AFTER the prerelease are the best events. For 24 tix you get to play sealed with the new set, and you get 13 packs for 4-0, 8 packs for 3-1 and 3 packs for 2-2.

It's pretty easy to accumulate almost an entire playset of a set for free in the 2 weeks if you grind hardcore every night.


Problem with the Modern dailies (I only play Modern because well, fuck Standard) is that you need to stay on top of the meta. It does change. You don't necessarily need to spend a fortune on Goyfs, Bobs etc but you DO need to have the mana base. No getting round that.
Still, Modern probably has the lowest barrier to entry imo.


Trakanon Raider
Scry lands are really causing a backlash. I hope they end up being a little more effective than they read on paper. If nothing else it should be easy to trade for them on release night. Like it or not, they'll be needed for competitive decks for the next two years so might as well get em while everyone hates em.


Golden Squire
The hilarious part is I really don't get the backlash myself since it's centered around the fact that they're rare instead of Uncommon. MaRos had a pretty good post explaining why they needed to be rare, too.


Potato del Grande
You assume that angry internet nerds actually read things like the indepth design explainations offered by the MTG creators, these guys are such good game designers already that they don't need to read the noobish prattlings of Mark Rosewater and friends. If only someone would see their gifts and take them out of their mother's basement and into a MTG design team! I hope that they will all quit but really it is more like trolling than real rage.

It's simple: Vanilla Taplands are uncommon. Guildgates got pushed down to common because the RTR Block was designed around consistent two color decks so limited needed them, Taplands got pushed up to rare because the Theros Block is designed around three colour decks not existing AND they have an upside with Scry. Both cards jumped 1 rarity each, not Scrylands jumping two rarities.

I bet that the exact same people will complain about power creep despite them being so against a purposeful drop in land power.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To someone who's only kept a very glancing interest in MTG for the last couple years (but still enjoys looking at spoilers),Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver seems not all that great.

Pros: cheap, build ability is +2. Cons: unless you're ok with pulling tiny dudes onto the field, even the small drain ability takes several turns of build for each use. And the Big drain ability certainly fits the colors, but.... meh.