My new Dating Pool

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Vyemm Raider
When is the wedding?
tell me about ....she drew hearts with our names inside of them
all this time i assumed her love was the love of getting high, and she only said she loved me to keep me coming back,
but from the tone of the letters her feelings may be more real then i anticipated,
of course she hates being alone so when martin gets out of jail in january, she will be done with me then
also interesting is the fact that she says she misses fucking, now when we first started up 21 months ago, she told me she was not really into sex and for most of our time together i could sense that the sex part was strictly business, but over the last couple months that changed, it started when i allowed her to dominate me, slap me and berate me, giving her power


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Remember to load up your video when u ask the question and give her the ring



Vyemm Raider
tell me about ....she drew hearts with our names inside of them
all this time i assumed her love was the love of getting high, and she only said she loved me to keep me coming back,
but from the tone of the letters her feelings may be more real then i anticipated,
of course she hates being alone so when martin gets out of jail in january, she will be done with me then
also interesting is the fact that she says she misses fucking, now when we first started up 21 months ago, she told me she was not really into sex and for most of our time together i could sense that the sex part was strictly business, but over the last couple months that changed, it started when i allowed her to dominate me, slap me and berate me, giving her power
Oh dude, she is turning you into HER bottom bitch..


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I'm sure all her knowledge of your personal life will never come back to bite you in the ass.
Nah not junky whore Capri, she is clean and in love. Didn't he bang her at his house before? Best be moving, changing your name and shit.


Vyemm Raider
Nah not junky whore Capri, she is clean and in love. Didn't he bang her at his house before? Best be moving, changing your name and shit.
capri has not been to my house, i have known her and helped her for 21 months, she would never do anything mean to hurt me, i have hundreds of nude photos of her, dozens of videos, none of which she would want her friends or family to see, let alone her boyfriend
the only girl that was at my house is dead now, dead whores tell no tales


Trakanon Raider
tell me about ....she drew hearts with our names inside of them
all this time i assumed her love was the love of getting high, and she only said she loved me to keep me coming back,
but from the tone of the letters her feelings may be more real then i anticipated,
of course she hates being alone so when martin gets out of jail in january, she will be done with me then
also interesting is the fact that she says she misses fucking, now when we first started up 21 months ago, she told me she was not really into sex and for most of our time together i could sense that the sex part was strictly business, but over the last couple months that changed, it started when i allowed her to dominate me, slap me and berate me, giving her power
Uhhh, well opiates DESTROY your sex drive. That's why there are jokes about rehab centers and halfway houses basically being sex ranches, because everyone is getting their sex drive back for the first time in god knows how long, and they want to fuck bad. I can't remember what film/show had a scene like this, where basically everyone was desperate for a fuck after their detox. Look it up brah, tis true. Surprised you didn't know this.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
capri has not been to my house, i have known her and helped her for 21 months, she would never do anything mean to hurt me, i have hundreds of nude photos of her, dozens of videos, none of which she would want her friends or family to see, let alone her boyfriend
the only girl that was at my house is dead now, dead whores tell no tales
Iits gonna be a happy reunion after all. I can feel the love.


Vyemm Raider
Capri called me today she is home from rehab, and can't wait to see me, probably tuesday or wednesday, she did ask if i was behaving, i lied and told her i didn't see anyone else, but considering that i will not see either amanda or deena again, it was a good lie,
meanwhile capri, ugh, wants to go to the waterfront again,


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I imagine at some point, when you take her down there and do your thing, and she's shooting up next to you in your car with heroin from money you gave her, that you will realize you directly enabled her to relapse.
But then I come to my senses and realize you've already rationalized it away, you just haven't typed it out yet.


Vyemm Raider
I imagine at some point, when you take her down there and do your thing, and she's shooting up next to you in your car with heroin from money you gave her, that you will realize you directly enabled her to relapse.
But then I come to my senses and realize you've already rationalized it away, you just haven't typed it out yet.
thats the dilemma, when i say NO, will she find another way ?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Except it's not a dilemma. You very clearly believe that she's going to relapse no matter what, which to you means you might as well get your malfunctioning dick wet as much as you possibly can until she ends up dead in that gutter that I've mentioned once or twice before.


Vyemm Raider
Except it's not a dilemma. You very clearly believe that she's going to relapse no matter what, which to you means you might as well get your malfunctioning dick wet as much as you possibly can until she ends up dead in that gutter that I've mentioned once or twice before.
well she very clearly said she wants to go to the waterfront and get high, when i remove myself from the equation, will she actually go back to tricking ?
or will her disdain for tricking with strangers be enough to stop her ?
right now i will just play the i am busy card or i can't make iit
which actually works for me since i am going thru another colitus attack right now and feel like shit anyway,
constipation and bleeding out my ass like i am on the rag


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
lmfao ... quit white knighting anything you do to this girl. You are a large part of why she is still in the same position she was before you met her. You just want her in your car getting high so you can fuck her.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
capri has not been to my house, i have known her and helped her for 21 months, she would never do anything mean to hurt me, i have hundreds of nude photos of her, dozens of videos, none of which she would want her friends or family to see, let alone her boyfriend
the only girl that was at my house is dead now, dead whores tell no tales
Do we need any more proof that he killed seimone?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
well she very clearly said she wants to go to the waterfront and get high, when i remove myself from the equation, will she actually go back to tricking ?
or will her disdain for tricking with strangers be enough to stop her ?
right now i will just play the i am busy card or i can't make iit
which actually works for me since i am going thru another colitus attack right now and feel like shit anyway,
constipation and bleeding out my ass like i am on the rag
Her disdain for tricking hasn't actually ever stopped her from tricking. Remember how you met her?
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