NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Legal Ephebophile
Nah, it's been about the 1-game losing streak that Miami has going right now.
Take what you can get I suppose. I'll just look at it as a minor setback after being undefeated for 1/3rd of the regular season.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Good for him, but the last page of this thread has been about winning streaks.
Apparently it was also about you trying to compare Lebron to Jordan and Magic. Laughably, i might add.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Agreed. Wade is really what makes the synergy happen.


Legal Ephebophile
Apparently it was also about you trying to compare Lebron to Jordan and Magic. Laughably, i might add.
Russel is the GOAT. No one compares to Jordan. When all is said is done LeBron will be the closest to Jordan and will stand above Magic.

I like how Bulls fans have to cling to a guy who hasn't played for them since 1998. At least I get to be a fan of the present. All you can do is talk about Jordan. If I were you I'd be more worried about how Rose is never gonna be the same, if he ever comes back. Dude has a huge mental block and is afraid to play. He'll never be the same. Guess he was lucky LeBron gift wrapped him that MVP when he did, since LeBron will probably win the next five in a row.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
so much butthurt



Legal Ephebophile
I'm not butthurt at all. Heat will repeat as champs, LeBron will be MVP and Finals MVP and the Bulls will be watching after the 1st round.


Potato del Grande
~~~?????? ?????? Miami Express
????????? ???? Destination: Out of Playoffs


Vyemm Raider
Get ready for benchwarmer Sunday! The red hot Heat's 2nd team faces off against the veteran Spurs 2nd team in an epic afternoon brawl on ABC! Who's roster is better past the 7th man in this possible NBA Finals preview? Find out at tipoff only on ABC!


<Prior Amod>

BronBron crying about the game, thing is, he didn't have a foul in 6 games when there were obvious fouls against him...he wasn't complaining then.

He acts like a Fullback when on the court, he has to expect play will get rough for him at times but the second someone does it to him...he starts crying.

He's lucky he didn't play in the late 80's and 90's, he would have been filing police reports against Laimbeer.


<Prior Amod>
Get ready for benchwarmer Sunday! The red hot Heat's 2nd team faces off against the veteran Spurs 2nd team in an epic afternoon brawl on ABC! Who's roster is better past the 7th man in this possible NBA Finals preview? Find out at tipoff only on ABC!
Get ready for some fines from Stern!


<Bronze Donator>
At least Gaige only posts a sentence complaining about the refs. Think of the novel all of us would have just skipped past if Mippo was still around.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>

BronBron cryin gabout the game, thing is, he didn't have a foul in 6 games when there were obvious fouls against him...he wasn't complaining then.

He acts like a Fullback when on the court, he has to expect play will get rough for him at times but the second someone does ti to him...he starts crying.

He's lucky he didn't play in the late 80's and 90's, he would have been filing police reports against Laimbeer.


Anytime he doesnt get away with half a dozen traveling fouls per game = Refs screwed over the Heat


<Prior Amod>
I also laugh every time I see the replay of LeBron sizing up Boozer and thjrowing his sholder/elbow/body into him and pretty much bounces off Boozer. Meanwhile Boozer takes a small step or two backwards and just shakes his head no. I don't think that turned out how LeBron planned. LoL


<Prior Amod>
I agree it's not, it's an obvious charge on Lebron. The dude lowered his head and sholder and tried to plow his way through a man like he was a Fullback breaking through the line.

Hell that play there would have been considered open field in the NFL and according to their new rule what LeBron just did would be against the rules even in the NFL.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Notice that Hinrich doesnt put his arms out until Lebron slams right into him, he then raises his arms and grabs on to Lebron slightly to avoid flying 10 feet through the air after that shoulder charge.

Before that, all that Hinrich does is try to stay in front of Lebron.

It is generally accepted that the offensive player should be charged with a charging foul if the defender
was still, or moving sideways or backwards but not forwards, when contact occurred,
took a legal guarding position before the contact, that is, one with both feet on the floor,
was hit on the torso (as opposed to the arm or leg),
respected the elements of time and distance.
However, NBA officials have set the standard "at the moment of upward motion" and the position of the defensive player's feet should not be a deciding factor. In the NBA, the question for officials to consider might be stated as such: Is the defensive player's torso set in position before the offensive player begins his upward motion?[2]

Lebron charged into Hinrich.