NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Molten Core Raider
Shades of 2011 Finals last night - LeBron again not liking physical play and always looking butthurt when someone actually challenges him instead of just looking on in awe.


Legal Ephebophile
I bet Dirk would play great if he was getting tackled to the floor constantly. Oh wait, they're barely .500. No one needs to tackle him, he is beating himself.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Where does it even look remotely like Hinrich tackled him?

Lebron charged into Hinrich, Hinrich didnt charge into Lebron. The only reason Hinrich wrapped his arms around Lebron is to avoid flying into the floor backwards, headfirst.

so much butthurt





Blackwing Lair Raider
I get the feeling Gaige would defend LeBron doing a 'Last Boy Scout' play on the court.


Molten Core Raider
Heat will repeat as champions. LeBron is still the best player right now and the Heat are still the best team in the currently watered-down NBA. But man is the dude a hypocrite.

Someone who flops on non-contact or light contact can not and should not whine about hard fouls.
Someone who repeatedly tries to truck other players by lowering his shoulder when driving to the basket can not whine about "non-basketball plays."
And of course, the Boozer play was lol worthy.

Its not even like he is complaining about non-calls. They were (correctly) called fouls on the court.

This is why I laugh when people try to say the 2012 Olympic team could beat the '92 team, or that this Heat team could beat the '96 or '97 Bulls. If LeBron is having his jimmies rustled by the likes of Kirk Hinrich and Taj Gibson imagine how demoralized he would be going against Rodman or Barkley.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Heat will repeat as champions. LeBron is still the best player right now and the Heat are still the best team in the currently watered-down NBA. But man is the dude a hypocrite.

Someone who flops on non-contact or light contact can not and should not whine about hard fouls.
Someone who repeatedly tries to truck other players by lowering his shoulder when driving to the basket can not whine about "non-basketball plays."
And of course, the Boozer play was lol worthy.

Its not even like he is complaining about non-calls. They were (correctly) called fouls on the court.

This is why I laugh when people try to say the 2012 Olympic team could beat the '92 team, or that this Heat team could beat the '96 or '97 Bulls. If LeBron is having his jimmies rustled by the likes of Kirk Hinrich and Taj Gibson imagine how demoralized he would be going against Rodman or Barkley.
is this the lebron/boozer play you're talking about?



Molten Core Raider
is this the lebron/boozer play you're talking about?

Yes. And fuck JVG for whining about it being a flagrant foul. LeBron isn't trying to fight through a screen to stay with the ball, he is willingly and knowingly throwing his body/shoulder into Boozer to intentionally create a hard foul in retaliation. This is the epitome of a flagrant foul. It backfired of course since Boozer didn't budge, LeBron didn't make a point and he took a flagrant in a close game.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
LOL, he looks at him for a good 3 seconds while lining up the shoulder charge and then crashes into him on purpose.

I'm surprised he didnt try to follow up with a dropkick for a total WWE experience.


<Prior Amod>
LoL yeah thats the play I laugh at everytime I see it. He crashes into Boozer as hard as he can and just bounces off the guy while Boozer just takes a step or two back and then shakes his head no at him like "LoL, yeah right son."

LeBron knew the pick was going to happen, it was a great read on his part honestly as you could see him watching Boozer line up for it well in advance. Props to him for that, woulda been a fantastic play to wath him side step a planted Boozer and block the shot....instead he tries to go tuff guy and not only looks stupid doing so, gets the flagrant.


Molten Core Raider
I bet Dirk would play great if he was getting tackled to the floor constantly. Oh wait, they're barely .500. No one needs to tackle him, he is beating himself.
The Mavs have the 4th best record since the All-Star break, basically since when Dirk was mostly back from pre-season surgery and conditioning. He's also teamed up with a bunch of 1-year guys and zero All-Stars, that they are even in the conversation of the West playoffs is a huge accomplishment. Not sure what your point is.

Also you are comparing two totally different play-styles - LeBron plays like a bully and tries to overpower most players on the way to the basket, but when someone is physical with him, he gets all bitchy? Dude was complaining up a storm in the post-game last night. Dirk has had to deal with physical play in his career too, and he didn't react well to it early on (2007 vs Golden State), but he was a hardened badass by the time the 2011 Finals came around - no one calls him a soft Euro anymore.


It is kind of funny everyone jumping on LeBron when he legitimatily got tackled by Hinrich(Wasnt going for the ball at all, wasnt a basketball move at all) and was wrapped around the neck/shoulders, and wasnt even called. I dont think its the hard fouls, he is calling the officials out for being peices of shit. The Heat didnt lose because of those fouls though. They lost because they had 15 assists. Noone could make a shot. Outside of Bosh/Wade/James, the heat scored 26 points. You cannot win a game that way. The roleplayers who have been hot lately, were just cold.

Also, another Double digit rebounding disparity, and quite a few more turnovers than the Bulls. Shit happens, they lost. I guess they are not a good team, only won 27 in a row. Bunch of fucking losers

(Was just for all the people saying to beat the Heat all you have to do is hard foul James.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
It is kind of funny everyone jumping on LeBron when he legitimatily got tackled by Hinrich(Wasnt going for the ball at all, wasnt a basketball move at all) and was wrapped around the neck/shoulders, and wasnt even called. I dont think its the hard fouls, he is calling the officials out for being peices of shit. The Heat didnt lose because of those fouls though. They lost because they had 15 assists. Noone could make a shot. Outside of Bosh/Wade/James, the heat scored 26 points. You cannot win a game that way. The roleplayers who have been hot lately, were just cold.

Also, another Double digit rebounding disparity, and quite a few more turnovers than the Bulls. Shit happens, they lost. I guess they are not a good team, only won 27 in a row. Bunch of fucking losers
Saying Hinrich tackled Lebron is like saying that I headbutted your hand when you punched me in the face.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Notice that Hinrich doesnt put his arms out until Lebron slams right into him, he then raises his arms and grabs on to Lebron slightly to avoid flying 10 feet through the air after that shoulder charge.

Before that, all that Hinrich does is try to stay in front of Lebron.

It is generally accepted that the offensive player should be charged with a charging foul if the defender
was still, or moving sideways or backwards but not forwards, when contact occurred,
took a legal guarding position before the contact, that is, one with both feet on the floor,
was hit on the torso (as opposed to the arm or leg),
respected the elements of time and distance.
However, NBA officials have set the standard "at the moment of upward motion" and the position of the defensive player's feet should not be a deciding factor. In the NBA, the question for officials to consider might be stated as such: Is the defensive player's torso set in position before the offensive player begins his upward motion?[2]

Lebron charged into Hinrich.
I know you're probably trolling, but in the event you're not, I just want you to know you're wrong.


Potato del Grande
Hinrich is doing what any sensible person would do in that situation, trying to not die. Stop crying you fucking douchy Heat fans.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
Hinrich tackling Lebron. Hinrich's the one in pink socks




I'm calling it now.... Popovich has a dirty anti-Lebron play up his sleeve for the finals. Spurs 2013 NBA champions. Without Harden OKC can't stop them.
I nominate myself the Spurs fan troll of this NBA thread.