NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Molten Core Raider
Win graciously? The fact is I have barely commented in this thread. Did I say shit after the Bucks series? No. In fact I tried to be gracious after game 1 but the trolls came out in full force talking mad shit. People get what they give, deal with it.
Are you still upset you aren't a Admin


<Prior Amod>
Win graciously? The fact is I have barely commented in this thread. Did I say shit after the Bucks series? No. In fact I tried to be gracious after game 1 but the trolls came out in full force talking mad shit. People get what they give, deal with it.
Lets be honest here, you've never walked the line of gracious on anything involving LeBron....ever. Being gracious would have been posting "Good game by the Bulls" Not posting just means you were being salty as fuck about it and had no excuses why the Heat got destroyed by a bunch of B players.

They adjusted and repayed the favor game two, as they should have. THATS when you appeared so lets just call it what it is. You're about as gracious as Mippo ever was.


Legal Ephebophile
Great basketball by the Bulls. They can't guard LeBron so now they resort to outright shoving him. God they are little no talent bitches. They better throw his ass out of this game.


Vyemm Raider
I can't imagine any of these players handling playing 20 years ago. These fouls they're fighting over are pretty tame.

And double stupid on Mohammed because your team is injured as fuck and it's like you want to be ejected.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Great basketball by the Bulls. They can't guard LeBron so now they resort to outright shoving him. God they are little no talent bitches. They better throw his ass out of this game.
Nobody is gonna hand lebron or anyone a championship, you have to earn it. and toughness is something you either gotta bring to the table or deal with.


Legal Ephebophile
I understand toughness but being blindsided by a two handed shove isn't basketball.


Late in the fourth, three good defensive sequences by the Bulls and yet three three points play by Miami...


Vyemm Raider
The more I watch this game, the more Derrick Rose makes me sick. What a pussy.
I'm torn. It's a pretty awkward scenario, but I can't blame him if he doesn't come back this season. It's a very physical series, and Miami has some good defenders. It's a lot of risk and there won't be much confidence to build on if it's in his head and they put Lebron on him. I also think that his injury combined with not playing for a year makes him little better than what they have on the floor...

BUT he should be suited up because he could play a few valuable minutes. Even 3 minutes to give someone else a rest would be a great help.