NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Trakanon Raider
Just stepping in and playing like 15 minutes would make all the difference. Just way to depleted for someone that is physically able to play to not be playing.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, big shock Curry ends up hurt after that retarded attempt to get a charging call. (I know he started limping after the fact on a different play)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm torn. It's a pretty awkward scenario, but I can't blame him if he doesn't come back this season. It's a very physical series, and Miami has some good defenders. It's a lot of risk and there won't be much confidence to build on if it's in his head and they put Lebron on him. I also think that his injury combined with not playing for a year makes him little better than what they have on the floor...

BUT he should be suited up because he could play a few valuable minutes. Even 3 minutes to give someone else a rest would be a great help.
He has been destroying his teammates in practice for over two months now. He is literally the healthiest player on the team. Even if he stunk I would give him credit. He can't finish his rehab till he actually plays. The knee isn't going to get any healthier eating skittles on the bench.

The Heat are still a better team then the Bulls even with a healthy Rose. We all know that the better team does not always win. He isn't even trying which is what pisses me off. It's a shame to see a players reputation just go to complete shit this fast. People still bring up Scottie Pippen and 1.8 seconds. This will always hang over Rose sadly.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I still can't believe we signed Ibaka and let Harden go. On one hand you hope that an athletic big man with terrible basketball IQ gets better, on the other you have an all-star that is top 10 in the league in scoring and absolutely murders the opponents second string. Worst. Decision. Ever.


If the Thunder made a bullet point list of things to do better after game 2, they probably hit all of their targets, but they somehow did not do what they usually do well: shoot. Anyway I think they lost before Durant missed both free throw in a row (a career first?): They lost when Jackson(?) made that boneheaded offensive foul on a fast break with 1:30 left on the clock.


Trakanon Raider
This is a fight I fear I'll be having for decades.

They did not choose Ibaka over Harden. They offered Harden a larger contract than Ibaka. Harden refused to sign his contract. His contract would have put them into luxury tax, but not too far that they couldn't make some moves to get under.

What they did choose was Westbrook and Durant over Harden. Presti did not want to give a 3rd wing a max contract, especially another ball dominant 3rd wing. After negotiating all summer, Presti said he was trading Harden unless he accepted his final contract (couple million under max). Harden said no. So, he wears red.

Was it a mistake? 99% probably. But we haven't seen the repercussions of the new salary cap, so we'll never know what the team would have looked like otherwise.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not to mention that even more retarded defensive foul on Conley down 4 with no reason to foul.

Durant wasn't other worldly amazing. He has no margin to be just great.


Trakanon Raider
4 minutes into the game and GS has Landry and Bogut both with 2 fouls already.


Trakanon Raider
Tons of offensive rebounds on both sides.
Also, Parker got laid out with the same type of push that Lebron took the other night, but no call.

A lot of the fouls these refs are calling are borderline. Maybe that's getting in the players' heads and causing some of this bad play.


Still a Music Elitist
I don't know. The fouls in this GS home series so far have been extremely lopsided to San Antonio's favor. Maybe the Warriors need to string together a few more winning seasons before they get some respect. Bummer I spent the money I did to go to this game to see this happen on the court.

Time for Curry to go on his patented 3rd quarter domination.