NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Trakanon Raider
I've got 4th row tickets to Game 5 on Tuesday night...I don't really care who wins, just hoping for a close, competitive game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't know. The fouls in this GS home series so far have been extremely lopsided to San Antonio's favor. Maybe the Warriors need to string together a few more winning seasons before they get some respect. Bummer I spent the money I did to go to this game to see this happen on the court.

Time for Curry to go on his patented 3rd quarter domination.
Are you not entertained?


Trakanon Raider
Well, I won't be watching an elimination game on Tuesday night, but it will be a huge Game 5 and my first playoff game. I can't wait...maybe we can get another OT game!


Still a Music Elitist
Are you not entertained?
Jarrett Jack was ass for most of the game and then stepped up when it mattered. I'm still expecting to lose this series, but I'm glad the Warriors are at least putting up a respectable fight.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I just hope the officiating isn't too lopsided in game 5. The Warriors got no home love from the refs in 3 and 4 (the Bogut on the line thing was just a ref missing a call, not home cooking). The refs took Bogut out of game 3 with ridiculous calls and then really took him out of game 4 early with 3 pretty weak calls. He makes everything go on the Warriors side, and if I didn't know better I'd say somebody with influence doesn't want him out there. I'm gonna lose it if he gets saddled with more weak calls in game 5 that keep him from playing long stretches again.


Molten Core Raider
Pretty sure at this point it's going to be Memphis vs Heat in the Finals. If Wade is still nursing injury/playing badly I actually give them a good shot - the Heat aren't built to stop Gasol.


Molten Core Raider
They don't really need to. LeBron could average 30 and you can still win as long as Wade isn't matching him, which he hasn't all playoffs. Force LeBron/Heat into taking jumpers and stop their potential fast breaks, like the Bulls have. Ride Gasol and Z-Bo on the other end.

Hell, even the Pacers have the personnel to pull it off. If the Bulls weren't down to 6 guys and had a consistent scoring threat (no, Nate Robinson isn't consistent or wouldn't be on 1 year contracts) the Heat would be in trouble.

Basically, the Heat will probably need Wade closer to 100% than he is now to win against a full strength contender. He wasn't fully healthy/got injured early in the 2011 Finals either and look how that turned out.


Pretty sure at this point it's going to be Memphis vs Heat in the Finals. If Wade is still nursing injury/playing badly I actually give them a good shot - the Heat aren't built to stop Gasol.
Grizzlies going to the finals wouldn't surprise me at this point. Regardless of who wins GS/San Antonio I don't think they're going to have enough left in the tank to keep going.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
This is a fight I fear I'll be having for decades.

They did not choose Ibaka over Harden. They offered Harden a larger contract than Ibaka. Harden refused to sign his contract. His contract would have put them into luxury tax, but not too far that they couldn't make some moves to get under.

What they did choose was Westbrook and Durant over Harden. Presti did not want to give a 3rd wing a max contract, especially another ball dominant 3rd wing. After negotiating all summer, Presti said he was trading Harden unless he accepted his final contract (couple million under max). Harden said no. So, he wears red.

Was it a mistake? 99% probably. But we haven't seen the repercussions of the new salary cap, so we'll never know what the team would have looked like otherwise.
Yes they did. They chose paying Ibaka for his perceived potential over paying Harden a max contract for his chance to be amazing instead of just really good. They chose wrong, especially given the crap they actually got for Harden in the trade.


I have not seen the first half of tonight's Bulls vs Heat: What's up with the Bulls shooting at 27%? Cold hands all around or good Miami defense?


Trakanon Raider
Both. Boozer is settling for turnarounds instead of attacking the rim. I think they're hearing footsteps, because the wide-open shots are off-balance, too.


Trakanon Raider
I have not seen the first half of tonight's Bulls vs Heat: What's up with the Bulls shooting at 27%? Cold hands all around or good Miami defense?
The game's been almost unwatchable. Nate Robinson has missed every shot he's had - all open - including an air ball. The Bulls are playing like pansies and the Heat are playing pound Lebron / Bosh and role players hitting outsider jumpers.

Basically the Bulls lack of offense is being compounded by their attemts to run an offense instead of pounding Boozer or slashing for some foul hopes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well Ibaka finally showed up to a playoff game this year. Lets see if he can keep this up an entire game.


Legal Ephebophile
Force LeBron/Heat into taking jumpers and stop their potential fast breaks, like the Bulls have.
The Bulls have gotten destroyed this entire series outside of game 1.

Also the Heat are designed to shoot jumpers. They're winning without Wade now I don't see what the difference will be against some other team. They're incredibly deep atm.


<Gold Donor>
Tony Allen is a fucking phenomenal defender. Would love a guy like that in Dallas. Another great game in a great series. Memphis is really solid.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are you fucking kidding me Brooks? Perks, Fisher, Jackson on the floor in OT? GTFO you piece of shit.