NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


<Bronze Donator>
Harden was having a stellar playoffs and then had 3 bad games. Sure, they were 3 really bad games in the finals, but I'd put it more on players having streaks of highs and lows rather than the "pressure" of the finals, which there isn't any statistical evidence of having any impact on player production.

Outliers do not define players.

Anyone know the difference a team would make in profits between winning a championship and just making the playoffs? If that difference is pretty miniscule I could totally understand an owner in Oklahoma City not wanting to the luxury tax hit on those 4 players. They're a playoff team after just choosing 3 obviously. But let's not call it impossible. The Laker's 100 mil payroll could afford that team without issue. Different market and ownership, I know.


<Bronze Donator>
Considering the endorsement deals that come with being a star player, you would think the smart thing to do would have been for Durant to take less than max salary to maximize his chance at a championship. Probably a difficult choice to make though.
No 22 year old would ever make that decision.


Blackwing Lair Raider
NBA can go fuck themselves with that pathetic shit from the refs. Completely took over the game, complete bullshit calls going against the Knicks all fucking game. I hope LeBron and D-Wade shit all over them now, fuck that bullshit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
18FT attempts to 49 or some shit lol.
And supposedly "we" have the "superstar." Riiiight.

And they didn't play a good 4th quarter? It's kind of hard to play a good quarter when as soon as you take the lead, the refs come in to bail out the Pacers calling bullshit fouls on Chandler and Martin, meanwhile Paul George elbows JR Smith right in the fucking chest, he goes flying to the floor, and no foul is called.

And do I even need to say FLOP on Melo's 4th foul? Officiating was fucking pathetic, and as soon as NY went on a run to take the lead, they interfered. Get fucked faggot ass refs.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Every player on the Knicks flew to the floor every time someone breathed on them all night so that's not a good measuring stick at all. That's got to be the most team flopping I've ever seen in one game. Knicks put up a good fight (went fucking crazy with 3's for a while there) but the Pacers are the better team. Melo can't do it all by himself.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Why the fuck did they amnesty billups instead of staudamire. this team isn't going anywhere playing small with medicore guards, and a max contract salary black hole.


Obviously the team that feeds the ball into post and cuts to the basket is going to have more FT attempts than the team that just jacks up 3 pointers all game. JR Smith was clearly the Pacers best player in this series.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Lol putting Ginobili on the line for 3. I've seen some bad calls but seriously?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Spurs don't just run their offense through one player while the other stand around and brick open shots. I'm sure the Griz are a little confused.