NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Blackwing Lair Raider
The Pacers need to step it up so we won't be subjected to this type of shit during the finals.




marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Ya, pacers in full melt down, Miami on fire makes this pretty boring


<Prior Amod>
Queue Gaige, whos been MIA while the Pacers were making the Heat look silly, to come in and tell us he told us so and he never lost faith.


Legal Ephebophile
Not worth the effort to fight all the heat trolls here when they lose.

As for nonstop when they win um no. I don't think I posted here till the Bulls series.


Vyemm Raider
Hats off to the Pacers. They are going to be a future contender with their size and developing talent. They only shot 43% during the season, and 50% in the playoffs. Their offense is going to gel and they're going to be pushing around the rest of the East.

This series is also going to force the Heat to find a way to add some size with the very limited amount of cap money they can free up before the next season starts.

Interesting comment by Steve Kerr on the BS report around the 12 minute mark:

Here's a short transcript of it:
Regardless of what happens this year I don't think Miami makes it back next year. With Rose back next year and the Pacers getting a little bit older.Then you factor in Miami's emotional toll these last few years.The last team to go to the final the last 4 years was the Celtics in the 80s. There's a reason that teams don't get there 4 straight years. There's a toll emotionally and physically. By next year they will be in a little bit of trouble.
You know sometimes people say to me 'gosh if only Jordan wouldn't have left you would have won 7 straight titles, 8 straight titles, whatever it was and I just laugh.
I wasn't there for the first 3 but after the second three we were absolutely running on fumes and I think the reason we had that great stretch for the second 3 was because Michael left the game recharged his battery and came back with avengence, to do it over and over and over like that years in a row, I think in todays era with so many games and so much pressure on today's media I think it's virtually impossible.


Lord Nagafen Raider
some more good BS report was Wade getting trashed for the first 15 minutes today lol.

Pacers can be contenders, because the East is weak. Miami has maybe one more run left unless they make some moves, then who should Indiana fear besides Chicago? Every other team in that conference is on the wrong side of their prime with their stars. The Pacers bench is weak too, but Miami having nobody show up a few times, and having Battier be too old and tired to guard West through an entire series, made things a bit more interesting than it should've been. The East can be taken. There's no way I thought the Pacers could beat the Spurs, but I think Miami has a shot, purely on the 'best player in the world' argument

I actually fell asleep late into the third quarter for a bit, fyi


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
The more he is in the public the better my chances of reading his obituary.


Avatar of War Slayer
who was the dude that got removed from the building? and the other guy with the stupidity huge gold medallion


Trakanon Raider
My guess was Big Boi, but probably no one really.
edit- nevermind it was flo rida's manager lol