NBA 2012-13 Season Thread - Crown The Heat!


Vyemm Raider
So if the greatest player today would be average back when Rodman and Jordan played, that means other good players like Kevin Durant and Chris Paul would be Robert Paxson. Get the fuck out of here. MJ is the greatest of all time, but some of these older players seriously look back and think they never had a bad game and that kids playing basketball nowadays have it easy. Saying Lebron is average is really insulting the rest of the league.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
he probably meant an average superstar, and I would agree.

20 years ago, Lebron would just be another Shawn Kemp.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
No one is trolling. 20 years ago you had players literally mauling Jordan as he would drop 50 points on them, these days these bitches flop and whine about every tiicky tack foul. I'd love to see LBJ play in an era where hand checking was allowed. He would turtle up and barely eke out 10-15 pts a game.


<Prior Amod>
I'm usually amount the first to pass Araysar as a troll, but I agree with him here. He woulda been a star but no where near the level he is now. I've said it countless times that had he been on the same floor as The Bad Boys he strait out would have ended up shooting one of them half way through the second quarter out of frustration and anger.

I'm not sure how you even argue the point with how he acts now at the smallest amount of contact. Can you imagine the reaction from Sir Charles if he tried to flop on him? He would have laughed at him while stepping on his face. That era was physical as hell and while LeBron has the tools to be physical he doesn't have the mentality to be on the receiving end of it.


El Presidente
Part of all that is you have incentive to flop and whine about fouls currently. To say he'd struggle to score 10 ppg is just asinine.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Araysar is definitely trolling. If LeBron played in different era he would play like those players. He flops because it is what you do in this era and the NBA is doing dick all to stop it. Nobody with a brain can really hate on LeBron anymore. He is absolutely amazing and a total monster. It is terrifying cheering for the team LeBron is playing against even when they have a 10+ point lead. He has nothing left to prove, it is all gravy from here on out.

On non-troll topics, these micro movies are so badass:


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Only took Jordan what 6 years to win his first championship, the "they were both 28" comparison is bullshit!
Jordan won a championship in college while lebron developed on company time. but I think all players should go to college for atleast 3 years first.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LeBron has a million dollar body and a 10 cent head. He doesn't have that psychotic need to win. Plus he's a frontrunner. What kind of faggot grows up in the 90's who's favorite teams are the Cowboys, Bulls and Yankees.


Legal Ephebophile
Apparently he doesn't need the psychotic need to win. He still has a ring and 4 trips to the Finals (3 in a row). To say that a 6'8 280lb prototype athlete couldn't play in any era is silly. Sure he flops & whines but like Foggy said that is the era he plays in. He would've dominated the 90s, stats wise. Maybe not title wise because of Jordan but to say he wouldn't be competitive on an individual level is silly.

Also there are only a handful of guys with a psychotic need to win, it's more an arbitration than a normality.


<Prior Amod>
I don't think he would have struggled to score 10ppg, I just think he would have been another Scottie Pippin.

If anyone thinks that's an insult you can go fuck yourself and lrn2basketball.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
An insult to Scottie if I ever saw one.

I'm telling you, hand checking alone would completely mess with Lebron's head. He is mentally weak and could never overcome it like a lot of other players did.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
To say that a 6'8 280lb prototype athlete couldn't play in any era is silly. Sure he flops & whines but like Foggy said that is the era he plays in. He would've dominated the 90s, stats wise. Maybe not title wise because of Jordan but to say he wouldn't be competitive on an individual level is silly.
This may be the only non retarded statement you have made in this thread. I am no fan of Lebron, and his incessant whining is beyond obnoxious. However, the guy is a freak talent, and part of the whining is because of this era of basketball. He was raised in this era, not in the 90s where more physical play was allowed. Agree with what Tarrant said, he would have been another Scottie Pippen.


<Prior Amod>
I agree that it would fuck with him, you can say he flops all the time because it's a product of the era were in now (even though he ranks in the top 3 for flopping) but the fact remains that if anyone bumps into him he throws a fit and gets all pissed off and looks like he's about to have a meltdown. In the 80's and early 90's you could practically mug someone at knife point center court without it being called. I don't think he would have handled it very well.

He would have attacked Bill Laimbeer 35 seconds into a game.

Now if that part of LeBron doesn't exist in 80's and early 90's LeBron then yes, I stand by my Scottie Pippin comment. It's hard to say if it would or wouldn't.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
I understand what you are saying, but if you were raised playing that way in the 90s I would think you would learn to deal with it. He hasn't ever had to learn to deal with it, he can just cry about it because it is almost expected for players to do that. I mean lets be honest, Lebron isn't the only player that cries every time a foul is called on him or when he doesn't get a call to go his way. He just seems to be the worst at it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>

"The history book inspires them to be some of the best," said Jordan. "Rules have changed to help them. I could have averaged 50 points today!"

Joe Johnson from the Atlanta Hawks was asked about the handchecking rule during the summer of 2010: "It benefits me," said Joe Johnson, one of three players (Mike Bibby and Jamal Crawford are the others) on the Hawks' roster who have averaged 20 or more points in a season. "It definitely changes the game because it gives every guy that extra step. "If we could hand check now, the game would be totally different," Johnson said. "If they couldn't hand check back in the day, there are some guys that would have been even better than they were. It would have been nuts for some of the big-time scorers and perimeter players from the 1980s and 1990s. Can you imagine what [Michael] Jordan would have done in a league where you couldn't hand check."

During a 2007 L.A. Lakers pre-season broadcast, Phil Jackson was asked how he thought Michael Jordan would perform today, Phil said: "Michael would average 45 with these rules."

"You can't even touch a guy now," says Charlotte coach Larry Brown, who also coached the 2004 Pistons defense... "The college game is much more physical than our game. I always tease Michael [Jordan], if he played today, he'd average 50."

Question for Clyde Drexler:
In the current league where there is no hand checking and no ruff play how much better would your numbers be?

Clyde Drexler: Oh, tremendously better, from shooting percentage to points per game everything would be up, and our old teams would score a lot more points, and that is saying something because we could score a lot back then. I do think there should be an asterisk next to some of these scoring leaders, because it is much different trying to score with a forearm in your face. It is harder to score with that resistance. You had to turn your back on guys defending you back in the day with all the hand checking that was going on. For guys who penetrate these days, it's hunting season. Yes, now you can play (floating)zone(legally), but teams rarely do.

"The defensive rules, the hand checking, the ability to make contact on a guy in certain areas .... [have] all been taken away from the game. If Kobe could get 81, I think Michael could get 100 in today's game." - Scottie Pippen January 2006

Craig Hodges is the Lakers shooting coach, get a look at what he said:
Q: If you could take one player in their prime, would you take Michael Jordan or Kobe?

A: M.J., all day. There's no comparison. M.J. could score 100 points in this era. You can't hand-check now. Imagine that trying to guard M.J. It would be crazy.

Hall of Famer Rick Barry, a keen observer of the game, said he would love to see players of the past getting to attack the basket under the new officiating. "They'd score a lot more," he said.

Tex Winter said: "Players today can get to the basket individually much easier."

Asked if he could defend Jordan under today's interpretation of the rules, Joe Dumars first laughed, "It would have been virtually impossible to defend Michael Jordan based on the way the game's being called right now."

Question for Dominique Wilkins: Seeing that you played in one of the greatest eras in NBA history, what has changed the most in the NBA since your days as a player?

Dominique Wilkins: "The power forward position had the license to kick your butt and the game was very physical. I think the physical aspect of the game, some of it has been taken away with the rule changes."

Do you think you could take them?

Dominique Wilkins: "I don't believe in comparisons, but I look at the era I played in. Like I said, when you have to play against a great player every night, that defines who you are if you can compete on that same level night in and night out. That tells you where your place is in the whole, I would say, history of the game. You put yourself in a very high spot."

Dominique Wilkins: "When you can compete on that level against the greatest players every single night, and when you can play just as good or better, that really defines who you are as a player. So if you're asking me what would I have done [today], well, put it this way, if you couldn't touch me [because of the rule changes], instead of averaging 25 or 30 [points], I'd probably average 40."

Tim Grover, who has trained Kobe, Lebron, and Jordan, was asked who would win a 1-on-1 battle of Jordan vs. either of the other two:
Tim Grover: "Oh, Michael. No question. From a physical and mental standpoint, he's the best I've ever seen. If he were playing now, with the way the refs call everything, and with all the padding these guys wear, he'd average 40 or 50 a? night if he wanted."


<Prior Amod>
Like I said it's hard to say one way or the other if that flaw would exist then or not. If it doesn't then he's still a top tier player on the level of Pippin. If it does, he's Shawn Kemp.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Reporter. Stock Pals CEO. Head of AI.
<Gold Donor>
I understand what you are saying, but if you were raised playing that way in the 90s I would think you would learn to deal with it. He hasn't ever had to learn to deal with it, he can just cry about it because it is almost expected for players to do that. I mean lets be honest, Lebron isn't the only player that cries every time a foul is called on him or when he doesn't get a call to go his way. He just seems to be the worst at it.
That's the whole point. He is too mentally weak to learn how to deal with it. He plays like a total bitch already in the pussified 2010s NBA. Like tarrant said, I cant imagine him going up against Bad Boys, Reggie Miller or Barkley. He'd be crying by 2nd quarter.