New cold war?

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The DNC blamed Russia, as did Hillary Clinton, and Intelligence officials. So when I say the DNC blamed them for hacks my statement is true.

Meanwhile I saw more evidence for Iraq's WMDs than this bullshit. Russian methods, Russia has a history of it, Russia likes to do it, it must be Russia! I have yet to see a lick of proof. So I'll stand by my quoted assertion: if the DNC (and yes others) were not blaming them for hacks this other shit would probably not make the news.

Doesn't the US regularly fuck with Russian elections anyways? This is kind of par for the course.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Actually I believe we're relatively bad at election rigging. US interventionism history has a lot of propped up dictators and election winners who proceed to immediately shit on us. I don't believe we fucked with our allies elections beyond perhaps advice and a normal amount of aid, no rigging etc. The USSR by comparison was well known to shove its dick into Eastern Europe's elections and assist in helping communist leaders. Outside anything related to China specifically they did well - countries with citizens rioting against Soviet rule in the streets were democratically electing Kremlin buds with clear majorities...
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
US is bad at interventionism because anything but ABC leads to someone or something even worse whereas Communist and Russia puts someone they know they can count on in power and avoid shitty result altogether.

american foreign policy is super fucking short sighted.
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Deus Vult
Doesn't the US regularly fuck with Russian elections anyways? This is kind of par for the course.

Yeah we try to but not effectively. This is more of an ideological progression. The United States is on a path to women and weak men's values. Russia has a very strong white male leader who is pushing nationalism(tribalism) and asserting typically male behavior. They want to take him down before he endangers their Globalism,multiculturalism, exploitation of the slave masses program. They will do that by sending more young aggressive western men to their deaths killing two birds with one stone.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
US is bad at interventionism because anything but ABC leads to someone or something even worse whereas Communist and Russia puts someone they know they can count on in power and avoid shitty result altogether.

american foreign policy is super fucking short sighted.

We did a solid job of interventionism for the sake of our economy. We pulled China and east Asia off of the USSR and they're a huge trade partner to this day. We got the house of Saud to use US dollars for petroleum and get the neighborhood to do it as well. Our stock exchange shits all over London, Tokyo, etc.

We're just not so good at actually spreading democracy.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Here we go!

Exclusive: Obama, aides expected to weigh Syria military options on Friday

Article said:
Some top officials argue the United States must act more forcefully in Syria or risk losing what influence it still has over moderate rebels and its Arab, Kurdish and Turkish allies in the fight against Islamic State, the officials told Reuters.

One set of options includes direct U.S. military action such as air strikes on Syrian military bases, munitions depots or radar and anti-aircraft bases, said one official who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.

This official said one danger of such action is that Russian and Syrian forces are often co-mingled, raising the possibility of a direct confrontation with Russia that Obama has been at pains to avoid.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
After Snowden the NSA or CIA ain't gonna tell the public a damn thing, especially if it's against Russia/China. So not much of an argument as to the lack of details provided.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Democrats, the party of the war hawks. Who would have ever thought that?

Good job on the Iran deal too, Obama.
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Doesn't the US regularly fuck with Russian elections anyways? This is kind of par for the course.

we have fucked with every country to sway their populous under the clinton state dept.

she gets using social media as a weapon.

i support this usage of social media to overthrow nations using their own people.

russia learned it from clinton.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
From my perspective whoever did the hack did everyone a service. Though if if it was Putin he must be loving the irony of rampant political corruption in a country that lectures him on democracy.

Hopefully the RNC gets leaked as well and the whole thing is laid bare. With enough pissed off people somebody has go to take the lead and start up a valid third party to counter the corrupt system.
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Unelected Mod
Yeah we try to but not effectively. This is more of an ideological progression. The United States is on a path to women and weak men's values. Russia has a very strong white male leader who is pushing nationalism(tribalism) and asserting typically male behavior. They want to take him down before he endangers their Globalism,multiculturalism, exploitation of the slave masses program. They will do that by sending more young aggressive western men to their deaths killing two birds with one stone.

I find your premise that the opposition to Putin is based on removing male values and killing aggressive young men as so absurd to almost not even comment on, but I feel like that leads to this thread being a circlejerk, so...

Putin is a dictator and a thug running a country with the economy of Italy thinking that he is a superpower. If you care at all about human rights for people in Russia, security for the countries of eastern europe or even the safety of other countries in general, then you should be opposing Putin.


Deus Vult
I find your premise that the opposition to Putin is based on removing male values and killing aggressive young men as so absurd to almost not even comment on, but I feel like that leads to this thread being a circlejerk, so...

Putin is a dictator and a thug running a country with the economy of Italy thinking that he is a superpower. If you care at all about human rights for people in Russia, security for the countries of eastern europe or even the safety of other countries in general, then you should be opposing Putin.

That's not the opposition, that is the current American value system. We have abandoned masculine ethics in favor of egalitarian feminine ethics. You are a smart guy Khalid, make the connections. All of these systems multiculturalism, politically correct speech are just extensions of women's values.

The attacks on Trump, Putin, White males, privilege politics are all from the same core. Down every rabbit hole there eventually is truth. The war is on men, because some group of powerful people realized castrating male values, tribalism, strength, violence was the way to a mechanized financial growth machine using every single person available. Women and children included it's about money and the most productive method for growing wealth.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh there wont be a war with Russia. They don't have the troop to fight it. They will see massive shrinkage of empire simply caused by the refusal of troops to fight for.

I'm talking about the US government.
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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
The war is on men, because some group of powerful people realized castrating male values, tribalism, strength, violence was the way to a mechanized financial growth machine

chortled hard Titan_Atlas Titan_Atlas
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