Hi friends, Gulfein (aka Dima) here, leader of Modest Man.
I was originally going to post this on the live forum, Roshen locked the thread, and as promised, the goods will be delivered here. We've currently got a private conversation going with all the guildleaders, some officers, and Roshen in regards to this matter.
Please note, that this is not a threat. This is not a general hate towards Faceless. This is our story, with cold, hard facts.
First, as many of you know, from the OP's post, my guild received a guildwide suspension based on one or more petitions from Faceless, as a result of one of our members killing one or more fairies on island one in Plane of Sky. This suspension was lifted within an hour or two of going out, if not sooner.
I wasn't on for the majority of the day today. As many of you know, I generally leave my characters AFK with the tag up.
This should never have happened. In addition, this should have never escalated to this level of GM intervention.
I believe this member in question killed two fairies. This member was also being watched by a senior officer in Faceless, as shown in this video.
In the same scenario, if it was my sky day and a member of any guild, Faceless or otherwise, was killing my faeries, I'd do everything in good faith to let them know they are breaking the rotation. If an honest mistake was made, as it appears this ex member made (with his ultimate apology here), I wouldn't care.
Unfortunately, Faceless did not act in good faith during this instance. The only tell I received from Faceless is the following:
[Thu Aug 20 16:41:21 2015] Frosin tells you, 'you should tell your people to not kill shit in sky on our day unless you want to be removed from the sky rotation' [Thu Aug 20 16:41:22 2015] You told Frosin, 'Sorry, I am A.F.K. (Away From Keyboard) right now.'
The very same senior officer, posted that video less than an hour after that tell.
The only further communication that was made from anyone was one of my officers, Qflexx, confronting Yawgmoth, Faceless' raidleader, in the leadership channel. Yawgmoth responded, citing he was waiting for GMs to address the issue. Darth, Faceless' guildleader, specifically mentioned that the leaders channel was used by his officers to communicate the issue, which is false.
[Thu Aug 20 18:16:18 2015] Qflexx tells leaders:6, 'by the way yawg, you guild taking rush actions ONCE again before even talking to any high officer' [Thu Aug 20 18:16:57 2015] Yawgmoth tells leaders:6, 'modest man has broken the sky rotation, and i await the GMs to come adress the issue'
Faceless has our voice chat information, and at any time, they could have hopped in to clarify what was going on, or talked in the leadership channel to get a hold of one of the officers. They acted in bad faith.
Daybreak Games has stated that based on the information Faceless had submitted, they were under the impression that the Lockjaw guilds ruled against Modest Man. Darth was specifically quoted against himself, citing the following:
Darth said: "If you believe a guild is breaking the rotation, please approach any of the other Guild Leaders in the rotation, and let us handle it on the GL level. If we are unable to reach a solution among ourselves we'll make it public and ask for GM intervention.
Faceless attempted to setup a mediation session after we were suspended, and tried pressured my chief officer to yield a target from our rotation. There was also apparently another non-rotation guild that went up to work on the rest of the faeries, that Faceless also apparently tried to sanction. Darth also stated he will push for GM intervention, with maximum punishment.
This is not the first time Faceless has specifically went against our arbitration clause on the rotation. Only a few short hours after posting the original rotation and with the rollback, we had several characters that had a roster bug, and we could not invite them. This was confirmed with other leaders as a common problem, but Faceless still lobbied on the rotation thread that we should be suspended for having outside assistance.
Faceless once again specifically went against a rule that was agreed on, which sites that the expectation is that a neutral third party is to mediate any disputes before resorting to guide or GM intervention. Unfortunately, this was not followed.
Since this occurrence has unfortunately happened before (not to the level of today's escalation), I am holding Faceless in violation of the rotation terms, specifically line 17, "Guilds are expected and encouraged to use a neutral guild to mediate disputes before resorting to guide or GM intervention."
This is a new low on behalf of Faceless. I'm not sure who petitioned, what was said in those petitions, but terms were violated. If CS was mislead by your petitions to cause them to suspend us, here's to them looking through all of those tickets you submitted and looking for those false claims.
Whatever DBG does with Faceless, is at their discretion here. Faceless abuses this rotation, abused it in the past, and I'm sure will continue to act in bad faith until they are punished.
The sad thing here is, I've personally done nothing but want to see them be successful. It's very sad that Faceless takes every opportunity to attack us.
Here's a pastebin of the leaders discussions in the hours leading to, where Faceless was adamant about their leaders making contact about the matter, when it was only ours making contact after the video was posted.