New World


<Gold Donor>
Biggest problem for me with new world is it didn't really follow through on the player driven economy. Auction house took all the crafting and threw it in the trash.

After x days, the Auction house just turns into a vendor that sells everything. Why even have crafting. Sure someone had to make all this shit but there's so much of it and any effort is obscured.

Remake new world into ultima online and it would do it for me. Scarce resources, open world pvp with item loot and player housing organicly placed in the world and it changes everything so much.
The whole system is broken. How can you have a crafting system of any sort, driven by an economy, when there is no people to buy 99% of the shit you craft? Because there is no alts and hardly any new people coming into the game? Crafting systems in other games that are not broken, the shit you sell when youre leveling up your crafting skill basically funds the next levels. This never happens here because, again, there is no player churning, there is only one character per account plus small ass servers of 3K people which most of are already max level. It was never thought out completely.

And its not like these crafting skills are easy to raise. They take 100s of hours of gathering and crafting itself to raise. Shit my guild had all its members FEED the "crafters" for weeks to raise them up so we could craft the good shit fur us. Do you even know how much iron it took to raise weapon smith to 200+? How many rare nodes it took to get to 250?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The whole system is broken. How can you have a crafting system of any sort, driven by an economy, when there is no people to buy 99% of the shit you craft? Because there is no alts and hardly any new people coming into the game? Crafting systems in other games that are not broken, the shit you sell when youre leveling up your crafting skill basically funds the next levels. This never happens here because, again, there is no player churning, there is only one character per account plus small ass servers of 3K people which most of are already max level. It was never thought out completely.

And its not like these crafting skills are easy to raise. They take 100s of hours of gathering and crafting itself to raise. Shit my guild had all its members FEED the "crafters" for weeks to raise them up so we could craft the good shit fur us. Do you even know how much iron it took to raise weapon smith to 200+? How many rare nodes it took to get to 250?
I have all maxed crafting on my character. Yes, it takes a long time. The crafting was meh but I enjoyed the gathering aspect of the game. Understanding where all the key nodes could spawn was part of the fun. I got to the point where I could run an entire route that took 45 minutes without looking at a map. Then I just had to restart it.

If they could have made the loot system more fun, it might have kept me in the game longer. It just gets old fast when the game pretty much came down to..........looting chests. You run around with a zerg force and loot chests. That would be fine if you could actually get something fun or worthwhile but instead you usually got crap. That happens when there are literally hundreds of chests in the game. If I see a chest, and manage to loot it, the items I get should be more engaging.


Gunnar Durden
ok so this is beta for the New Version, which launches on console and PC next month? Right? And if you play on PC right now its still the old version?


ok so this is beta for the New Version, which launches on console and PC next month? Right? And if you play on PC right now its still the old version?
Yes and the copy you currently own gets updated to NWA. The beta is doing well and is poppin' off so worth checking out


Gunnar Durden
Yes and the copy you currently own gets updated to NWA. The beta is doing well and is poppin' off so worth checking out

Toos busy for beta but im gonna be ready to day 1 this relaunch. Game let me down huge a few years ago but had so much promise, Im think its perfect as an ESO rip off on console. Will give it a go on launch in a month


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Regarding auction house (and crafting)

1) People want BIS. Any armor that doesn't have ideal perk loadouts is trash, so there is a lot of stuff on AH that is priced far too high
2) Economy skews towards town owning companies. Your average pleb has very little ways of making gold - maybe on chest runs you get lucky and get some valuable trophy material or furniture item - but outside of that the only real income is what towns earn and what those companies share with their members. As a result, you have a market that skews towards town owning companies all looking for BIS gear, which massively inflates gear prices
3) Crafting is a money sink - unless you are willing to spend hundreds of thousands on a guaranteed perk craft, it's all a dice roll. You can spend a shitload of mats and get gear that isn't worth the mats used to make it


<Gold Donor>
Regarding auction house (and crafting)

1) People want BIS. Any armor that doesn't have ideal perk loadouts is trash, so there is a lot of stuff on AH that is priced far too high
2) Economy skews towards town owning companies. Your average pleb has very little ways of making gold - maybe on chest runs you get lucky and get some valuable trophy material or furniture item - but outside of that the only real income is what towns earn and what those companies share with their members. As a result, you have a market that skews towards town owning companies all looking for BIS gear, which massively inflates gear prices
3) Crafting is a money sink - unless you are willing to spend hundreds of thousands on a guaranteed perk craft, it's all a dice roll. You can spend a shitload of mats and get gear that isn't worth the mats used to make it
In the beginning of the game it was EZ to make money. I was prob one of like 10 people being first to cap on the server so pretty much all the higher tier stuff we would find in our beginning chest runs and boss runs we would sell. Also being at the top of the food chain allowed us to gather a lot of good rare nodes which also sold well or contributed to our guild gear high end crafting. But yeah, that was early on, now I imagine most of the server is top heavy, all the nodes are camped to shit and one or two guilds on the server basically holds a monopoly on the wars and town ownership. Basically funneling all the money to them via taxes on pretty much all trades in the cities. Its just not a well thought out and balanced system.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Game is still a lot of fun at the start. Did the run to 25 for the outfit I will probably never wear. Didn't want to stop at 25 even though I think they are wiping those beta toons. Just enjoy the loop.

But the later grind and the lack of a point stopped me playing after launch. Will give it another shot.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I can complain all day long about this game. But really, I would have kept on playing it if I didnt feel like the population was bleeding out every second it exists. There are a ton of things we can cite that are problems here, and problems there. This problem leads to that problem, and that problem leads to two more problems. I mean, the game is a cluster fuck from the ground up. But.. I enjoyed the world, the "look" of the combat, the weapons and their trees, the "thought" of the crafting, etc.

I dont have any hope for New World to be anything more than a test bed at this point. The amount of devs that are on the project, the studio itself, and more - the game just cant be profitable and I dont know how much longer it'll exist past this "relaunch" for console. I havent seen anything out of the relaunch that really.. "fixes" any of the end game. Nor, have I seen ANYTHING that welcomes in the casual crowd that keeps games like ESO afloat.

Im sincerely hoping that AOC can bring to the table what New World couldnt, or wouldnt.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I agree with it being a complete cluster fuck. And with that in mind... how the fuck do they have the Rights to Lord of the Rings? First, the TV Show to destroy the IP, and now an MMO? Fuck.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I agree with it being a complete cluster fuck. And with that in mind... how the fuck do they have the Rights to Lord of the Rings? First, the TV Show to destroy the IP, and now an MMO? Fuck.

The answer is simple



I got a character to 25 this weekend for the rewards. The game finally feels smooth and synced to play and checking out the revamped leveling experience, the difference has to be night and day from release. Says nothing of the current end game that'll be available on the 15th however. They really need to nail a coherent set of systems at the end that all work together; the leveling experience and the base game mechanics are exceptionally strong.

Also for what its worth I think NW has the most and best feeling "busy vibe", when new world is poppin' its ten times more enjoyable and fun to be involved with. I guess thats stating the obvious for an MMO but god damn does NW pull it off well. Global chat being ridiculous, muskets in the distance, trees being chopped, and the sounds of weapons all in the distance.

I still remember the ninja patch for ff14 was a great vibe but doesn;t beat modern audio and visuals.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Shit my guild had all its members FEED the "crafters" for weeks to raise them up so we could craft the good shit fur us. Do you even know how much iron it took to raise weapon smith to 200+? How many rare nodes it took to get to 250?

I stopped crafting when I saw that you still needed like 2x the iron just to craft the next tier, while also needing the next tier metal. What a garbage design. Once I got close to max level, and saw that all the assets in the last few zones were literally copy pasted (forts, roads, etc) I knew I would not last long. I quit after maxing my faction armor out in under an hour by abusing one of the weapon bugs that gave you perma sprint. I ran back and forth so quick I had to wait for the 5 minute faction quest respawn timer :p


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I stopped crafting when I saw that you still needed like 2x the iron just to craft the next tier, while also needing the next tier metal. What a garbage design. Once I got close to max level, and saw that all the assets in the last few zones were literally copy pasted (forts, roads, etc) I knew I would not last long. I quit after maxing my faction armor out in under an hour by abusing one of the weapon bugs that gave you perma sprint. I ran back and forth so quick I had to wait for the 5 minute faction quest respawn timer :p
Weaving/tailoring didnt bother me all that much to level up. The bonuses that you got, at least in the beginning, were there to help alleviate a large portion. You use the correct bonuses when combining, and it would literally eliminate entire hours worth of gathering. But thats never what anyone saw - it was the websites saying that you would need to harvest 500,000 fucking marijuana and 250,000 purple marijuana and shit. Was ridiculous to look at from that angle. So I think people would have handled it mentally, better, if they were in the dark about the total figures needed.

Heres hoping that Xerge Xerge is right, though. I'd love for the game to be reinvigorated and last more than a few weeks for people.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I would actually consider this but I want to give Throne and Liberty a run. It would be tempting to try out some of the new features and a brand new server, but I just feel like in the end that the game would still be New World.

The game had some really good things, but it regretfully was balanced with some really bad things.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The leveling in the game is pretty fun

Wars before everyone has BIS and other tactics besides the current meta being viable are fun (like siege weapons actually being good again)

The problem is once you get past that early stuff, the game rapidly stagnates