Re: respec cost, has anyone found an all in one attribute spread? Has anyone tried the "50 points in dex, rest in con and get all your primary from your gear" build that was floating around? Seems like it could be viable if you wanted to multi-spec. I wouldn't do it because you'll spend more in repair costs with all those extra sets of gear than if you just respeced, but hey.
One of the guys I group with some has that build and he claims its the best thing since sliced bread. 5% crit is a lot when you think about how lack luster most of the 300 stat investments are worthless as fuck. The 300 stat tiers scream loud and clear that they plan on increasing stat caps in my mind.
Im not PVP'ing anymore until they do some major bug fixing. Never was deep into PVP to begin with, so it doesnt change a lot for me. But all of these bugs are causing people to quit, and when enough quit another plate falls in how the game works. Owning a territory may or may not be profitable at full server population - so you end up with fringe territories going full on extreme tax, then the town board goes halfway blank. No one will process there, and no one will pay their house taxes. Just a downward spiral. Decrease taxes, decrease cost of projects? Sure, but players have been asking for that since launch anyways. Sounds familiar to Shadowlands where people were asking for changes since beta, but even a year later, the changes are still half ass and poorly thought out in that game.
I still think the game is worth the price of admission - but any major investments like no lifing Furnishing or something is a big pill to swallow. Especially when communication from AGS is lackluster at best, content teases/road map is missing entirely, and they cant even get a handle on bugs.
Also, as far as warping? Bots are able to do it in WOW to this day, and at one point WoW was pushing on that issue hard and still never found a way to fix it. So its very likely that it exists in some capacity, but I havent seen it and I have several Orichalcum routes that depend on time of day / day of the week. The only reason I cast doubt on it is because the bots have found the quickest way to make money and its just simply farming the 60 gold every 3 minutes on the noobie beach. Go to any beach that still takes new players - you'll see some random ass name like x298374 running around and you'll see them go to sleep in the same spot at the camp fire every time (deleting the character after gold transfer). Then another one will run up with x298375 and go to sleep in the same spot. They'll likely fix it by limiting any type of global chat, direct messages and trades in some capacity up to a certain level or time limit - but with the LAUNDRY LIST of known issues - good luck with any specific time frame on that.
The game is so buggy in some areas that people just claim RNG RNG over and over when something is clearly wrong. If you're mining Orichalcum, take your luck neck off and compare the numbers to your previous run WITH the neck. Theres a theory that the neck actually takes AWAY Luck percentage, but since people will still have "some" luck, then its clouded with all the retards spamming "Well I got four thousand Void Ore in 15 minutes with a neck, its just RNG!" Whatever you say gamer dude.