NFL 2014 - 2015 Season Thread


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Everyone thinks kickers are replaceable until a missed field goal costs them an important game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You know you've had a bad draft when 5 years later you say "Well, we got a decent kicker. I mean, we cut him, but he was good for a period."

And wow, I hadn't realized how bad that draft was. That's terrible, from top to bottom. Even the good players are mostly underachievers. There shouldn't be less than 4 or 5 solid players out of an entire draft.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I feel like Alex is trying real hard to be a one man Bengals version of the 50 person Cowboys shitwagon here. Where everything ties back to his team no matter what. "Oh you guys had a couple decent draft picks? THAT REMINDS ME OF THE BENGALS!"


El Presidente
Dolphins 2009 draft:
Round 1: CB Vontae Davis
Round 2: QB Pat White and CB Sean Smith
Round 3: WR Patrick Turner
Round 4: WR Brian Hartline
Round 5: TE John Nalbone, DB Chris Clemons
Round 6: OT Andrew Gardner
Round 7: LB J.D. Folsom

Certainly better than a lot of teams but not exactly amazing either. Hartline in the 4th was quite good though.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Simmons is one of the only media members that can get away with what he's doing. He's big enough that he could quit and just hire writers to turn into a sports info & opinion hub. He's one of very few media personalities that could successfully do this without the backing of a major media network like CBS, NBC, Fox...
It would be hilarious if he broke off from ESPN and started an online sports channel that wound up competing with ESPN. He is good buddies with Adam Carolla who has done that on a smaller scale with his morning radio show. I doubt that he could actually compete with ESPN but I bet he could make pretty good money at it with an already established audience. With stuff like Roku and Apple TV now I think you could get a decent audience for an online daily sports commentary similar to Sportscenter and then a shitload of podcasts to go with it. I assume that Simmons has the dough to come up with a studio and hire some people and if he doesn't then he might be able to get Jimmy Kimmel to back him since that guy is rich as hell.


Still a Music Elitist
I feel like Alex is trying real hard to be a one man Bengals version of the 50 person Cowboys shitwagon here. Where everything ties back to his team no matter what. "Oh you guys had a couple decent draft picks? THAT REMINDS ME OF THE BENGALS!"
I'm enjoying being relevant. For now.
It would be hilarious if he broke off from ESPN and started an online sports channel that wound up competing with ESPN. He is good buddies with Adam Carolla who has done that on a smaller scale with his morning radio show. I doubt that he could actually compete with ESPN but I bet he could make pretty good money at it with an already established audience. With stuff like Roku and Apple TV now I think you could get a decent audience for an online daily sports commentary similar to Sportscenter and then a shitload of podcasts to go with it. I assume that Simmons has the dough to come up with a studio and hire some people and if he doesn't then he might be able to get Jimmy Kimmel to back him since that guy is rich as hell.
If Simmons & Schefter left and teamed up, they may very well end up rivaling ESPN.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
ESPN is now competing with the NFL for who is the biggest inept coward in the sports industry. I hope Simmons quits.


Molten Core Raider
With the only FA signings being Cowboys CB castoffs who have been awesome for us. Seriously. Thanks for Terence Newman. The dude is one of our best corners.
Didn't have a choice letting him or Pacman go. In Newman's case, he was terrible for his last 2 years in Dallas (mostly because of injury) and they didn't want to re-sign him. Pacman's name started cropping up in another murder case and he got injured.

Glad they got their shit together and stayed healthy after going to the Bengals, but they had to go.


Ssraeszha Raider
right after he threw an interception in the red zone. cough cough choke
Seriously. That's almost as bad as having a team of destiny be 1 game away from immortality then just get bitch slapped by a wild card team. Or if there was a chance at redemption a few years later only to get kicked in the fucking teeth by the same team who's qb might have down syndrome.

Now that would be choking.