NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Seems like Pete Carroll kinda admitted that it was a blown call during the post game Q&A.
I don't know why he wouldn't just admit it was a blown call. Everyone on earth knows it was a blown call. Luckily for him it went their way. He gains nothing by trying to claim it was the right call, except looking quite foolish.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It sucks it would've ended like that, but he was the most likely to jump on the ball... if it didn't bounce out on its own. If the refs didn't know of the penalty, I doubt any player knew. Again it sucks the officials got the call wrong, but let's not let Calvin off the hook for fucking everything up


Ssraeszha Raider
I didn't think Calvin really fucked up at all. 9 times out of 10 he should've done exactly what he did. Just seemed like an amazing play by Chancellor.
What happens if Chancellor misses with the punch and hits CJ in the back or even the arm? Is there a penalty for "striking" ?


Great play by Chancellor forcing that fumble. Yeah, it kind of looks like KJ Wright batted it out but come on, would it make people feel better if he fell on to of it while going out of bounds? Take your lumps like a man and don't fumble the damn ball on the 1 yard line. Seems desperate. Lions earned that 0-4 record. Don't blame it on some technicality bullshit.


Trakanon Raider
Great play by Chancellor forcing that fumble. Yeah, it kind of looks like KJ Wright batted it out but come on, would it make people feel better if he fell on to of it while going out of bounds? Take your lumps like a man and don't fumble the damn ball on the 1 yard line. Seems desperate. Lions earned that 0-4 record. Don't blame it on some technicality bullshit.
Ya that ball was going out of bounds anyway. There is a almost 100% chance it or he goes out while trying to recover it. It is a no call ya nut I fail to see how it is anywhere near as bad as people say. Its nothing like fail Mary, its more like when they dont call DPI on those last play hail marys and let the game end. And its an intent based penalty, which is always super hard to judge.


<Prior Amod>
"Kinda looks like he hit it out"

LoL, he literally ran up to it and slapped it. Also trying to say not many knew the rule so it's okay is retarded. Hell a few Lions players argued the fact in that specific instant so not only is that not true, again, it's stupid to say.

Ball woulda went out on its own, sure...but it didn't. It was batted and shoulda been called. You can't just pick and choose which rules you want to enforce.

The problem is, it's a rule that's up for interpretation and the Lions have a history with that sorta shit and it's real old at this point.


Potato del Grande
Wasn't as bad as the Tate touchdown, but it was still pretty awful.
The Tate touchdown was a legitimate touchdown.

Also, that DraftKings guy winning money on FanDuel is a stupid story. They try to say it's fucking fraud when he's playing on a different site with a different playerbase and different stats. GTFO.


Sparkletot Monger
Seahawks look like a 9 win football team.

That offensive line is baaaaaaaaaad. Half of their line didn't even play offensive line in college! They lack technique and size. They simply cannot pass from the pocket or run the ball effectively. Teams are going to be able to pressure Wilson with 4 rushers all day. The Bengals are going to feast on them next week.

Rams and Cards are salivating.

Welcome to the wonderful world of having an expensive defense and a 10m/yr QB


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I told my buddy back home last night its going to be ugly when the Seahawks face a good pass rush team like the Bronco's.


Golden Squire
Dallas should be improved when they meet as well with Hardy and Gregory back. 3rd down line of Hardy, Mincey, Lawrence, Gregory better get some damned pressure!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Is there anything out there to corroborate Tim K.'s delusions on the Gase story, or is it just more unsubstantiated, click-bait bullshit like 99% of Kawakami's articles? Kawakami articles always just feed into the anger and frustration of 49er fans by telling them what they want to hear and blaming the same people as the fans do in order to sell clicks/newspapers. He has always been a bit of a Niner hater and is more of a Raider fan. So, anything he writes I take it with a grain of salt.

I'm sure as hell not going to defend York (by all accounts, he's a silver-spoon fed narcissist that only cares about money), but on the other hand, how long are people going to keep supporting Kaepernick? Going back two years ago, even though SF made it to the conference game with Seattle, Kaepernick has been regressing. Two years ago, statistically, he was not making big passing gains. He averaged approximately 199.8 yards/game. There were more telling stats from two years ago about the offense, but since the team made it to the conference championship, management thought it was time to give him the "big" contract. Plus, everyone bought into the fact that Kaepernick did not have a "good enough" supporting cast, and that he played while injured. Fast forward to last year and it was more of the same, lackluster play and no playoffs. Is anyone now going to say that the last two years were not indicative of how he is as a QB? An NFL QB has to be good enough to win 3 - 4 games by himself. Sunday's game was winnable even by a middle of the road QB.

As far as "scapegoating" Kaepernick, many great QBs played with less than ideal coaching, bad offensive lines, poor receivers and still performed well. Look at Aaron Rodgers for less than stellar offensive lines and coaching. Look at Tom Brady for scrub receivers. No excuses. Kaepernick has been in the NFL too long to not show improvement. Now, a poor offensive line, bad coaching, and poor management can definitely combine for a perfect storm, no doubt about it. I am not arguing that. What Iamarguing is that everybody knows the team got worse and was going to get worse (it's just the nature of FA and the NFL). It is up toKaepernickto get better and at least perform well enough to not be on a downward trajectory. He should have developed the skills on his own by now to at least stop his personal downward slide of ability, regardless of coaching and personnel changes.

The whole fact of the matter is that the NFL caught up to Kaepernick. In response, Colin Kaepernick could have developed his skills. Supposedly, he tried in the off season while working with Kurt Warner. It does not look like it has worked.